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Bro lol that’s ain’t how insults work. If somebody call you a nigger are you nigger cuz you got offended. I get from one standpoint but that ain’t real.
What I posted was the simplistic way of describing that shit. But ima do this one time for y’all.

If someone calls you a nigger and you are insulted. It is because what the word nigger represents, what it represented, a word that means you are inferior. Sub Consciously and overtly this society tries to make black people feel inferior. To a large degree it has worked. It’s broadcasted in how black behave in American society with balling out and always behaving like we need to prove oursellves. In that, calling you a nigger insults you, not because you are a nigger, but you believe that you are less than. It’s triggers that sub conscious belief. I’m not explaining the depths of shit to you niggaz no more.
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