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She won’t be the last one to complain about this.

The tweet does explicitly what she asked them not to do in the very beginning of her letter. She laid out a coherent statement but that one quote is gonna be used to demonize and make her statement seem way more harsh and like an attack when it's not at all. That's the problem with click bait media and it's annoying as fuck and its sad she's gonna get blowback from that along with the people who gonna use her words to say all sorts of bigoted shit.

Also...when you finish 17th in a race it's hard to blame 1 individual person as to why you aint make it. Somebody else probably would've beat her ass in that pool too
Watching Fred cry online talking about Diddy ruined his life made me revisit this episode

At the 5 mins mark bro warned y’all fuck this up y’all are done in this music business

then the way Fred quit the band, it’s only his karma

I mean did any of them get on after that bullshit tho?

Watching Fred cry online talking about Diddy ruined his life made me revisit this episode

At the 5 mins mark bro warned y’all fuck this up y’all are done in this music business

then the way Fred quit the band, it’s only his karma

Its not karma at all, its just them being dumb.
Imagine being an unknown artist, and a major player in the music game is tryin to make you big, and has you on a tv show, then you act like you already made it and have options.
If he was that difficult with Diddy, imagine how he acted after the show with other people in the music biz. All of them got cocky and sabotaged their own careers before they even made it.
this is wild
Tennessee State Official Threatens To Seize Town Over Ford Motor Company Investment

Mason, Tennessee, is a tiny town that stands to benefit a great deal from Ford Motor Company’s massive investment in electric trucks and batteries. With construction starting on a 4,100-acre truck and battery plant sometime this year, Tennessee’s Comptroller has a message for elected leaders and residents: Dissolve your town’s 153-year-old charter or the state will simply take the town over.

Mason is less than five miles from Ford’s planned Blue Oval City, one of the new battery and EV truck plants slated to open in 2025 in the American south. The town stands to profit a great deal from the construction and operation of such a plant. It’s the first boon the people of Mason have had in a while. The last few years have been a difficult road. The town of 1,337 property owners — around 60 percent Black — lost nearly all of its white elected officials after they resigned in 2016 when 20 years of fraud and theft came to light. Three years ago, the only grocery store in town was hit by a semi and burned down.

Now Mason is slowly rebuilding with a mostly Black town government. What should be an exciting time in Mason is now a direct threat to its existence as this new investment from Ford is exactly what led Tennessee Comptroller Jason Mumpower to issue the unprecedented request that the town dissolve in order to thrive. The Tennessee Lookout has the story:
And they took it over

TL;DR Corrupt white official ran/stole from this predominately black town for 20 years, they got caught and all resign leaving town in 500k debt. Black residents take over to try and save town. Ford decides its going to invest and build a massive plant in that town. Upon the announcement Tennessee Comptroller announces the town leadership cant handle this large of an investment and will be handing over control of the town to the county next to it (thats a white majority and Republican).

So where all the rich pro black investors? They've had to of heard of this by now.
idk what's going on in the carolinas, but a LOT of bot activity coming from there and being tied back to the prominent carolina users

ya'll niggas almost got gunned up and clapped quick this morning for having the same IPs

Was i one of em?
Not really most of us originally went here for news, illseed rumors and interview articles and stumbled on the ic by accident. So it's just a return to the essence.

They fucked all of that shit up. 🤣 damn shame.
I don't remember why I initially made an account over there but heard about the india videos in like 2015 and went looking. Found illpix and tried to sign up only to find I had an account from like 09 lol

Didn't know that site was still functioning though

She won’t be the last one to complain about this.

So when I read this post, i recalled the pic I saw of them on the podium, and laughed at how much bigger Lia is than the other women. I was going to look for it but couldnt find the exact pic, but I found a couple others.


Apparently when they announced she won, she was getting boo's rom the crowd and they were cheering 2nd & 3rd place. (The women Lia beat both got silver medals in Tokyo)

Thomas was assigned male at birth and competed on the men’s teams before beginning testosterone suppression therapy in 2019. She joined the women’s team last fall as a fifth-year senior after the Ivy League canceled the 2020-21 season and has been setting pool and school records.

Of course this was gunna happen. Who was honestly surprised

Unconfirmed reports from anonymous sources claiming to be teammates of Thomas told the Washington Examiner the trans swimmer is not a bad person, but “laughs about it and mocks the situation” and has little regard for others.
“She compares herself to Jackie Robinson,” one alleged teammate was quoted by the Examiner. “She said she is like the Jackie Robinson of trans sports.”

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