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Was talking to my nigga earlier. Told him I was bored af being sober for all these months, not being outside, not hustling and just being out the mix.

He said it's just me finding peace but I can't identify it because I was in a cycle of chaos for so long it became normal. Said he was sorry for any part he had in that chaos.

Pretty sure he got that from tiktok but I felt that shit fr.
I’m at the gas station as we speak filing my shit up. Just hit $81.00. Still going. Stay tuned. SMH.

Ok. Update: My shit stopped at $85. On the dot. Thought that was weird but whatever. Got in and cranked my shit up and realized it wasn’t full. I guess this gas station has a cap on gas transactions at $85. Put another $20.88 in my shit. That’s $105.88 for a full tank of gas.

Aight I’m going to Walmart now.

My diesel work truck alone hitting about $130/wk with these current gas prices

I'm grateful I decided to be more of a DIY mechanic in the past year or shit would be crazy right now
My boy just posted his girls ultrasound in the group chat.

Is that type of thing normal now? I don't do socials or fb.
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