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When you feel powerless, you admire the powerful. Not only do you admire the powerful, you take on the traits of the powerful. All of this is human, all of this is normal, no one should feel bad about this being the case.

The problem is, much like social media, you more often only see the desirable parts of power. You see ordering others around, you see taking what you want by force or forceful negotiation, you see a disregard of others and a emphasis on self.

Now for someone powerless who doesn’t know what it’s like to have power. This leads them to believe that the only part they see, is what power is. They don’t see the human side.

They don’t see what relates to them as of now, the self doubt, the fear, the anxiety, the heartbreaking decisions, the self loathing, the disconnection to those they love. The desire to be loved, even though the more power they gain, the less true love exists.

When you feel powerless, you admire those with power. When you get power, you realize power is just you with power, or better yet. What you thought was power. So unless you work on you, you’ll just be you with more stuff. Go to the store by skittles, that’s you with more stuff.

Interesting awareness.

Powerful can feel or be different for everyone. Like some may feel powerfull driving a fast car, or leading a meeting, or bearing children.

Power really is an abstract thing.Every culture and person paints a different picture. Like think about what a kid would say is powerful or how would a child explain the feeling of powerful. Like what are they doing that makes them feel that way.

Also when you feel powerless you are consciously focusing on your perceived lack of power. Feelings or emotions ( energy in motion) tells your mind what is reality. So if your constantly feeling power less, your thinking thoughts about that and your reality is that of being power less. Focusing emotions and feelings on what makes you powerful will bring that into the now or present time.

I was just listening to this yesterday. This guy Joe Dispenza has some interesting videos you might be into
Im surprised people aren’t more bothered by that, I feel like it should’ve ended his career. Dude straight took advantage of people looking for a way out that had no knowledge of anything in the music world in relation to the business. Dude straight ganked then for entertainment purposes and them kept it moving.

you can’t hoe out people on national tv in the genre of hiphop, and expect for them to still be successful in hiphop. When he made them walk for cheesecake, I knew right then that he wasn’t serious about it.

Cuz niggas think it’s ok to fuck people over when you got money and shame the poor for not being smart
Interesting awareness.

Powerful can feel or be different for everyone. Like some may feel powerfull driving a fast car, or leading a meeting, or bearing children.

Power really is an abstract thing.Every culture and person paints a different picture. Like think about what a kid would say is powerful or how would a child explain the feeling of powerful. Like what are they doing that makes them feel that way.

Also when you feel powerless you are consciously focusing on your perceived lack of power. Feelings or emotions ( energy in motion) tells your mind what is reality. So if your constantly feeling power less, your thinking thoughts about that and your reality is that of being power less. Focusing emotions and feelings on what makes you powerful will bring that into the now or present time.

I was just listening to this yesterday. This guy Joe Dispenza has some interesting videos you might be into

Yea power is relative, so im not really talking about money in the totality of this. Im speaking in broad strokes. To me personally, what I would deem power would be control, force, and the wealth to make things happen. So it’s also a message to me, to remind myself that obtaining those things don’t change who I am if I don’t deal with the things that make power desirable for me. I put it out for me and anyone else who thinks like I think. At the same time like you pointed out, the desire to have more than what you have takes many different shapes.
I try to eat foods that naturally cleanse and remove any worms. Like raw garlic, papaya, coconut oil and coconut "meat", pomegranate and pineapples. These all have enzymes that break down and kill parasites in the body. I have never taken OTC or prescribed dewormer medication though.

All them people taking ivermectin because of covid, I wonder if they mentioned seeing worms lol. It may not have prevented covid but it definitely would help in other areas lol.

I am about to start a deep gut and intestines cleanse. Many worms live in the intestinal areas. I have never seen or really felt symptoms of worms. But definitely do preventative measures lol. About 1 year ago I did a good round of colonics too. I am going to start back and find a regiment for doing them again.I always look at my stool too. It may be "nasty" but stool really can tell you so much about your health.( even outside of worms)

Oh and some live in other areas of the body. So I typically do a cleanse, system by system throughout the year. Like after this digestive and excretory system. I will do a circulatory cleanse (focusing on the blood).

sidenote: I used to watch that show Monsters inside me lol. While the show mainly focuses on parasites people get in unusual circumstances. it still had me super aware of what I ate and my detox process.
Almost every natural deworming food I can’t stand so I instead took some proprietary blend of herbs and ima get these guys outta there if I have worms. I know your chances increase as you eat red meat and idk for sure if I do have them but I’m just checking while I detox

seeing worms in your stool has to be an experience

Niggas do all the shooting in the streets and their raps but want preferential treatment for getting poked up......bro better ask for protective custody or get himself a shank
Almost every natural deworming food I can’t stand so I instead took some proprietary blend of herbs and ima get these guys outta there if I have worms. I know your chances increase as you eat red meat and idk for sure if I do have them but I’m just checking while I detox

seeing worms in your stool has to be an experience
What herbs? Can you share the picture of the bottle?
Ahh fashion

Every day I am push to believe in my own ideas and dreams. This is yet another example of that moment when I am pushed. Because for this person to have this vision and people join in and help to put this together.....anything is possible!

Definitely got the attention and maybe the clothes are functional. I wasn't even really paying attention to the outfits. High fashion imo is more art than wearable clothes though.
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