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Different angle from the 9/11 attack that I never saw. The guy says he uploaded the video in the 2000s but didn't realize it was private until recently. Don't know about all of that but it's the first time I've seen this angle. I'll put it in spoiler incase seeing it will mess with anyone

"Oh my lord"..."Lord"...whoever saying that sound fake azzz all hell.
I'm craving some taco bell right now but that's run belly. I want a crunch wrap supreme so bad tho. 🥺
Aye all y’all, god has a plan. Walk in the light of the lord. It’s hard to look at the world and society as a whole and believe god has a plan for you. That god wants you to cherish and be happy in your life. But it’s that doubt due to your surroundings, that is the reason that you are in gods favor. That you have a purpose, that you are a vessel for what he has planned.

Just like if you have a child, and your child wants to go on a social app and your child isn’t fully aware of the toxicity in this world. And you tell your child no, and your child doesn’t understand and you feel like your child isn’t ready to be told of the horrors of the world so all you say is. Because I’m your parent and I told you so. So is how you should look at the lord.

Don’t look at the world and say it doesnt make sense, how could there be a plan. Because you are a child and our father knows. Trust our father, even when things in the moment seem wrong. For he knows in totality, you will face wrongs so that you know when you come across rights.
Different angle from the 9/11 attack that I never saw. The guy says he uploaded the video in the 2000s but didn't realize it was private until recently. Don't know about all of that but it's the first time I've seen this angle. I'll put it in spoiler incase seeing it will mess with anyone

His reaction to the plane, quality of footage and explanation of how he didn’t realize it was privatized is rather um….peculiar.
I’ll leave it at that…
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