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Anybody got a MacBook?

Particularly a MacBook Air or a MacBook Ipad. Thinkin' bout gettin' one. Heard great reviews bout em from my co-workers, but what's the real difference b/w them and a laptop??
Man, I did this emdr therapy with my therapist. It's some shit where you get put in a trance and it allows you go back to a moment in your life and view it through the eyes of an adult.

Lemme tell you, there is a thing they have to do first it's called your safe space. So this place that I chose, before hand. There were things that i remembered about it but I couldnt tell you everything.

When I did the shit with her, I vividly remembered mad details I forgot. Anyway, after you find your safe space, you go to a tramatic memory.

So the way she describes memory is even if you dont think the shit was traumatic, the fact that you remember says it was in some way cause out of a full year, 365 days, your mind chose to remember this day.

So, there was this time where police busted up in our crib when I was 8 or 7 or something and they took us to the station and asked us mad questions and shit. I vividly remembered that shit, appeared in the memory as my adult self and gave my kid self a hug.

Fam, no bullshit, there used to be something that had up to this point always triggered me. That shit is gone bruh..like, it's an after thought now. My therapist said that, that one memory had fucked me up so bad as a kid that I subconsciously was reliving that shit everytime I was triggered.

And the emdr therapy help my brain close it and file it away to never be relived again. Dont let nobody tell you therapy dont work b

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That shit works miracles
I know this is late as fuck, but my mom has done this and said it changed her life.
She suggested it to me, I might have to give it a try.
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