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I'm starting to believe that breakups like this are partly due to some sort of undiagnosed post partum depression............or something along those lines.

Known too many people who split up right after they had a kid for me to think it's just coincidence.
So, as per the usual, you find a way to put some kind of blame squarely on the woman

Did you take into account that there could already be relationship/marital issues and the baby was used as a "bandaid" to try to possibly save it? Hardly ever works, btw

Or...or...or, the bf/husband in the relationship gets jealous b/c the wife's/gf's time and focus is now reserved for the new baby? Happens all the time

Orrrr...the bf/husband thought a baby was a good/cute idea while his gf/wife was pregnant, then got scared when the baby was born and reality hit?

PPD is a very real thing...but it isn't, nor has never been, the sole cause of a breakup of a marriage or relationship

So, as per the usual, you find a way to put some kind of blame squarely on the woman

Trump wrong clip.gif

I'm placing part of the blame on an undiagnosed condition.

There are no absolutes, so I never said every case was like this..........just that it might be a factor that no one has accounted for due to lack of awareness.
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I'm placing part of the blame on an undiagnosed condition.

There are no absolutes, so I never said every case was like this..........just that it might be a factor that no one has accounted for due to lack of awareness.
ISWIS=I said what I said

You always blame women

You didn't mention anything else b/c your intent was to blame women, somehow...men don't get PPD

Enjoy your day, sir
ISWIS=I said what I said

You always blame women

You didn't mention anything else b/c your intent was to blame women, somehow...men don't get PPD

Enjoy your day, sir

You said what you said, but.......what you said doesn't accurately reflect what I said.

Problem is, for whatever reason, you're choosing to see all of my posts from a sexist perspective.

And, ironically, you're doing the same thing you're accusing me of because............as you said..........

PPD is a very real thing...but it isn't, nor has never been, the sole cause of a breakup of a marriage or relationship

Saying it never happened implies an absolute.


Spiderman pointing at himself pic.jpg

Oprah there it is clip.gif
You said what you said, but.......what you said doesn't accurately reflect what I said.

Problem is, for whatever reason, you're choosing to see all of my posts from a sexist perspective.

And, ironically, you're doing the same thing you're accusing me of because............as you said..........

Saying it never happened implies an absolute.


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Deadeye..I said what TF I said

You ALWAYS blame women for something...period. Your modus operandi never changes

I've given you enough of my attention today

For the last time, enjoy your day
Deadeye..I said what TF I said

You ALWAYS blame women for something...period.

How can you blame women for not knowing they're suffering from Post Partum Depression?

Kobe wtf clip.gif

That doesn't even make sense.

Look, maybe this helps........maybe it doesn't...........but I'm looking at things from a cause and effect perspective.

The cause being undiagnosed post partum depression..........the effect being the end of a relationship after a child comes into the picture.

Granted, that might not be the only factor that determines the outcome..............but it's not that big of a stretch to consider that it could be a huge part of it.

Especially considering that, until recently, we as a whole haven't taken our mental health as seriously as we should.

So it's not realistic to hold a woman accountable for a condition that she might not be familiar with.
You said what you said, but.......what you said doesn't accurately reflect what I said.

Problem is, for whatever reason, you're choosing to see all of my posts from a sexist perspective.

And, ironically, you're doing the same thing you're accusing me of because............as you said..........

Saying it never happened implies an absolute.


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You need this...I don't
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