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Idk what I’m doing for New Years my homeboy said something bout getting a section at a club way too washed for that plus Corona still wildlin
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I saw this on Reddit and I thought to myself that AOC is making it harder on herself by going at the top for people who don’t go at the top for her. Her confidence and strength is a detriment to her future.

But then I thought..you know what, in a idealistic and optimistic world. Pelosi who will soon step down from house leader for the dems. Sees in AOC what she had in herself at a young age, she sees a bravery she wish she had. She wants AOC to lead the Dems in the future. But she realizes that men don’t respect easy transitions of power. Men respect power grabs and force.

So in order for AOC to take her place on the throne, it has to appear that she took it. That she used her strength to make it hers. So Pelosi is actually calling AOC on certain times and telling AOC to come for her head.

To project the strength that men need to see for a female to be seen as a leader.

Pelosi doesn't care about any of that though.

Only way she's giving up the chair is if the republicans take back the house.

She also manages to stay in power by helping a lot of her colleagues raise money for their campaigns.
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