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I stand corrected
I as well

Thank you for the clarification @Scandalust313 🙏🏾
You're welcome

I'd like to clarify a little more in case there is still confusion...

IVF (in vitro fertilization) is done when infertility is the issue or there is some kind of genetic "abnormality". The process happens outside of the woman's body. Her eggs or donor eggs are inseminated with husband's/partner's sperm or donor sperm, in a lab. Then the embryos are implanted into the uterus and the hope is a pregnancy carried to term.
I thought yall were talking about that "designer" baby stuff where they can pick whether its likely to be a boy or a girl.. or a twin etc.
How the hell are all these celebrities having twins ? Can someone for real send me a link or something to whatever procedure they're doing ? Twins are very rare and yet most celebrities have them. Check list list of celebrities who have twins:

Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Jay-Z/Beyonce, Kanye/Kim, Julia Roberts, Jlo, Rick Martin (I know I know), Puff Daddy, Mariah Carey, Pharrell (triplets are like 0.005% or 1 on 50000000 chance of occurring) , Chris Hemsworth, Sarah Jessica Parker, Celine Dion (and was she what 50 ?), Angela Bassett, Cristiano Ronaldo, Zoe Saldana, Enrique Iglesias, Anna Paquin, Kristin Wiig, etc etc.

What are they legit using to get twins like that ?
When you got money you can have whatever you liiiiiiiikkkkkkeeeeeeee
How the hell are all these celebrities having twins ? Can someone for real send me a link or something to whatever procedure they're doing ? Twins are very rare and yet most celebrities have them. Check list list of celebrities who have twins:

Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Jay-Z/Beyonce, Kanye/Kim, Julia Roberts, Jlo, Rick Martin (I know I know), Puff Daddy, Mariah Carey, Pharrell (triplets are like 0.005% or 1 on 50000000 chance of occurring) , Chris Hemsworth, Sarah Jessica Parker, Celine Dion (and was she what 50 ?), Angela Bassett, Cristiano Ronaldo, Zoe Saldana, Enrique Iglesias, Anna Paquin, Kristin Wiig, etc etc.

What are they legit using to get twins like that ?

Multiple babies can happen naturally.

Man I am worried about my 16 old nephew. 😕 he need a life skills class. Or like a week in da hood. Like simple shit he don't be fully thinking through it. I know I wasn't this vanilla. His momma babied him way too much.

I think I am just bothered by having to come inside the mall and go into this apple store....ugh the cult of it all. This lil ninja ain't even at the store!

I haven't been to a mall in so long geez...I am so un-American right now.

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