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Meanwhile you were waiting to be second fiddle to a married woman.
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This doesn't affect me, you're the one angry. Pull up all the pm's you want the fact remains I got you emotional and you lashing out.

Yes I tried to holla so what,

Yep, do you not see what she looks like.
Nah I’m just putting your pitiful ass in your place.

And boy you a sad mf @ the bolded. You did my job for me.
Where? Idk, out of reach of the hurricane?

I guess getting a motel or even sleeping in a car for the weekend is way beyond many people's reach.

Struggle must be real
It ain't that simple man.

Especially if you got a big family and no car.

And even folks with cars...I mean rush hour can have you in traffic for hours and that shit happens every day...

You ever realize every disaster movie there are always hella cars abandoned on the highway....

You evacuate a whole city....some people will be in their cars for over 5 days fam
fuck, this mozzarella good too

bout to bring a tear to my eye

speaking of which. why does mozzarella have 2 Zs?
All i was saying is that if me being inquistive about the situation is annoying then idc. No need for the controversy, no need for the back and forth.
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