Welcome To aBlackWeb

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everybody doing great. sons's doing better in school, wife is losing mad weight from producing breast milk, baby girl is tryna smile, but she still prefers to mean mug us all......one of my closest friends is coming to town today...even tho i'm broke as fuck, imma try to scrape together some change to hang with him while he's here.....things are great...

how you and ole boy?

We need pics!!! Do y'all put the cute little bow headbands on her yet?? We're good, he's everything....hope I can introduce y'all to him one day.
I have to share my testimony real quick with whoever is willing to receive it:

I believe there is a Most High/Supreme Being over all this. Lately I've been asking to be more discerning, aware of and in alignment with The Most High in ALL things and in my experiences throughout the day. And that's exactly what's been happening.

One instance that blew my mind and was very humbling was something that I realized the other day.

For anyone who is familiar with any of the parables Jesus spoke, there was a parable of a field of wheat and someone with malicious intent entering that field and planting weeds amongst the wheat, which will ultimately destroy the crop of wheat. In the parable the wheat represents what is good in the world and the weeds represent evil in the world.

One thought I always had in the back of my mind is that with these community food growing spaces we create in neighborhoods without permits or permission is kind of like flipping the script of that parable and sowing wheat amongst the weeds or creating good where there is none. But the audacity of one person doing such things seems almost arrogant at times, you know? like "who are you to change entire communities, habitats, and systems?!?"

Now back to the other day, and here's where things get a little more interesting (at least for me)...

About a year ago someone gave us some compost/horse manure so I scattered it where the orchard is to keep the soil and trees nice and healthy so they can provide healthy fruits for everyone.

Over time the weeds grew back (fairly quickly like weeds do) and we had an event there this past weekend so a lot of weeding needed to get done.

As we were weeding over by the orchard someone says "You know you have wheat growing over here?" I said "Huh, no?". I look and there's wild wheat growing all over that bitch amongst the weeds! Wheat nigga! Wheat! Wheat that I didn't plant.

My first thought was hell yeah, that's dope! We'll get some real non gmo spelt wheat for the neighborhood too, but it wasn't until yesterday afternoon that I realized that I was literally living the flipside of the parable that I joked to myself only about. Talk about an inside fucking joke! Spiritually, it was surreal and very humbling. I'm extremely grateful to be used in such manner for good.

Physically I assume the wheat came from the manure but spiritually, it's just more confirmation that not only am I in my lane or on my path at the moment, but ALL of this belongs to the Most High!

Praises be to the most high. I am happy for you and the attempt to grow your own food was special enough without the message
I just got the best line up in my life by a white man in his 30s
When I was 17 I went to super cuts after my barber shop was mad packed and I ain't feel like waiting. Dem white girls looked terrified. That shoulda been enough for me to be like, nah I'm good. But fuck it...I'm to stubborn. They jacked my shit up so bad my hairline still ain't recovered.
Ever took a selfie that was beautiful but you couldn't share it with anyone because of what you did or didn't have on?

What a waste of talent.
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