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i memba when Beta taught us his method of putting burger meat in lettuce instead of bread. I shld try that.
That ruins the burger for me, the bread and carbs are what I'm craving after a whole week of straight protein and vitamins, it's good if you're just trying to keep carbs to a minimum tho
Why so mean?
I just be having fun....

The few people who are close to me it be straight dirty dozens the second we get around each other....

I actually laugh harder at the jokes about me...

I almost died once when my homeboy said my sneezes sound like a shot gun going off
Lol people were confused as shit when I was bout to get married....

Like no one saw that coming. People used to stay asking my wife questions like.

But why?
But he's an asshole
But he's a jerk
Is he nice to you?
But you seem so normal?
Do you have a sense of humor?
Does he make fun of you?

My wife was like....these are your friends, what did you do to these people??:shrug3:

Du gonna have the type of funeral where folks will give Old Lady Du their condolences, but collectively get together and talk about big of an azzzhole Du was, wit the occasional "Good riddance" toast. Lol
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All is well. At work shooting the breeze. Trying to fight the urge to dropkick a muthafucca.

How's the weather on your side @Joshua 3:16 and @Whiskas?

It's 80 degrees and sunny!

This will be me shortly.

I just be having fun....

The few people who are close to me it be straight dirty dozens the second we get around each other....

I actually laugh harder at the jokes about me...

I almost died once when my homeboy said my sneezes sound like a shot gun going off

So your honest shit talker and people can't handle it?
Not that I am opposed to it on the whole. I am not one of the don't eat animals people. I am a don't eat it unless you can guarantee it hasn't been enhanced or messed with person. No GMO
So your honest shit talker and people can't handle it?

They get mad when they can't keep up...

Cuz I don't really pick if I know you're sensitive....unless I don't like you....Then the shots fly
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