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I just applied aloe vera to my feet the relief is instant, hopefully what I read is true and this all clears up
How many times can you say you're starting sobriety and start back dranking a couple hours later b?
As many as it takes, but considering I went to bed before 10 last night and the fact that I normally start drinking soon as I wake up, this has been more than a couple hours to me considering I woke up at 5 am and still havent had a drop even though I have 2 1.75 liters of whiskey stashed away
thanks, i wish they gave me something a little stronger though, i'm getting nothing off this librium, atleast with some ativan or something I could just stay sleepy, but I understand why they didn't
You could probably get a subscription for like clonadine for during the day for anxiety and I take trazadone for sleep and those are both safe to take.
See... you smart
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