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Shout out to everyone who went home after racking up in candy as a kid, went straight to their room, dumped their bag on the floor, and meticulously picked thru the pile to throw away unwanted candy


- Mary Jane
-Candy Corn
- regular azzz peppermint
- Yellow wrapped butterscotch
- Chocolate cover cherry
- European lookin candy
- Fruit
- Jehovah Witness pamphlet
Nice to see that this is still going on to this day
Shout out to everyone who went home after racking up in candy as a kid, went straight to their room, dumped their bag on the floor, and meticulously picked thru the pile to throw away unwanted candy


- Mary Jane
-Candy Corn
- regular azzz peppermint
- Yellow wrapped butterscotch
- Chocolate cover cherry
- European lookin candy
- Fruit
- Jehovah Witness pamphlet

You forgot tootsie rolls
Since Plap cant see this, haha ya fucker, that's Plap. The more shit talk ya got the better. He hates most white people, there are a few exceptions tho. I'm not one of em. He seems like a real fuck wad right now, but he'll grow on ya.
Eh. Doubt it.
Nobody can grow on me if their first impression from me is from them calling me a bitch off top. Nah.
man they growing meat in the lab and calling it "clean"

FDA is down w/ this shit too

look alive

Honestly, that lab grown meat probably is cleaner than the farm shit. It sounds crazy, but people have to realize that the reason meat is so bad for us has nothing to do with the meat itself. It has everything to do with the steroids, hormones, and other chemicals that are put into farm animals to get them to grow bigger and faster. If the lab grown meat doesn't contain that stuff (I don't know if it does or not), it would likely be much healthier.
2 years cigarette free today and counting

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