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Google the recipe since your old ass judging bitch

For what?

Vegan cheesesteak is an oxymoron. I'm not going to sit here and attempt to delude myself into believing that anything vegan is actually whatever it's meant to replace by giving it the same name as some manner of actual animal based food in order to appease some sort of guilt or misguided beliefs that I, personally, don't have that elevates the status of animals on this planet to that of human beings whereby killing, eating, wearing, or otherwise using remnants of their delicious carcasses is cruel or otherwise "inhumane".

Just call the shit what it is instead of what it ain't. The shit should be called a sauteed veggie sandwich with weird yellowish-orange plant/vegetable matter sauce.
For what?

Vegan cheesesteak is an oxymoron. I'm not going to sit here and attempt to delude myself into believing that anything vegan is actually whatever it's meant to replace by giving it the same name as some manner of actual animal based food in order to appease some sort of guilt or misguided beliefs that I, personally, don't have that elevates the status of animals on this planet to that of human beings whereby killing, eating, wearing, or otherwise using remnants of their delicious carcasses is cruel or otherwise "inhumane".

Just call the shit what it is instead of what it ain't. The shit should be called a sauteed veggie sandwich with weird yellowish-orange plant/vegetable matter sauce.

ain’t that serious broski
I think I already stated but I'm coming back to Dallas in a December. ABW posters, if you got in local enemies in the city then let me know & I'll put them in the Earth while I'm on vacation.
I think I already stated but I'm coming back to Dallas in a December. ABW posters, if you got in local enemies in the city then let me know & I'll put them in the Earth while I'm on vacation.

I got 500k ABW bucks to take Jason Garret tf outta here...
Fire who came up w this shit and who OK’d it

Honestly...you gotta understand that a lot of the villians on the show are just starting out. So all of them aren't gonna be in their "final form" per sé like seen them in the comics.

Remember...Gotham is a prequel show. So I'm not surprised seeing Bane in that kinda contraption before he ends up in the one in the comics.
Honestly...you gotta understand that a lot of the villians on the show are just starting out. So all of them aren't gonna be in their "final form" per sé like seen them in the comics.

Remember...Gotham is a prequel show. So I'm not surprised seeing Bane in that kinda contraption before he ends up in the one in the comics.

Bane looks like a villain in a low budget 70's sci-fi flick. Like some Troma bullshit.

In 2018 that shit is inexcusable.
Bane looks like a villain in a low budget 70's sci-fi flick. Like some Troma bullshit.

In 2018 that shit is inexcusable.
speaking of which, i watch toxic avenger 2 recently. literally half of the run time is one continuous scene of the titular character beating up/killing a group of thugs in a zany matter
Bane looks like a villain in a low budget 70's sci-fi flick. Like some Troma bullshit.

In 2018 that shit is inexcusable.

But a timeline has never been verified for Gotham. So again...these villians are starting out. I'll give it chance. Gotham has gotten better each season, so I got faith in them how Bane turns out.
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