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"Fake Weights Are Helping Instagram Stars Go Viral
The thirst for Likes is real, but the motivation behind it isn't new.

When powerlifter Brad Castleberry steps under a barbell loaded with 45-pound plates and claims he is about to set a world record in the back squat, he could very well be carrying on another long and distinguished strongman tradition: using fake weights to deceive viewers about how much he can lift...

A lot of dudes do it to big themselves up. However, in magazine spreads and stuff, a lot of guys like Ronnie and Johnnie O used fake plates to avoid injury. Nobody wants to have to sit out of a meet or the Olympia because they tried to look strong for Men's Fitness
Can i ask you a personal question. Its a quick one. Would you date a man in his mid 30s that lived with his mom, no steady job or car but you had to drive him to karate class every summer??
One day imma bleed you like the fucking swine that you are
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