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Yeah but the majority of posters on here are men and I KNOW them niggas Goin in the thread.

Don't you find it interesting how whenever a gay thread is made, no matter how homophobic these cats appear to be they stay up in those threads heavy and bookmark ? Theres nothing wrong with being gay but I always thought that was peculiar.
They went in the thread to post their prints or say they weren’t doing it. It wasn’t shit gay about that thread. You’re incorrect this time.

I do agree that gay threads do numbers but this ain’t one of them.
And that's good for them but I bet you more male posters viewed and posted Ij the thread than women.
Well duh, because one it’s more men and secondly, we ASKED the men to post a pic. There was no need for women to post as much as the men in that thread. We wanted to view prints.
Yeah but the majority of posters on here are men and I KNOW them niggas Goin in the thread.

Don't you find it interesting how whenever a gay thread is made, no matter how homophobic these cats appear to be they stay up in those threads heavy and bookmark ? Theres nothing wrong with being gay but I always thought that was peculiar.
So you don't entertain women cause you scared a homosexual might enjoy it....
Now think about that.... They went in just to post they weren't going to ? Or was it that they wanted a reason to go in and look ? Threads I'm not gonna post in I just don't go into. They could have not gone in but went in to see what was going on nh.
So if a chick makes a thread that says MEN: post a dick print, it’s gay cause niggas went in there to either post or say nah(which makes them gay bc YOU wouldn’t do it). If you actually read the thread you would see what the conversation was about. It wasn’t nothing gay.
That's like on Marco Polo, when you watched one of the video messages , your AVI comes up under the video. One of my sister's did this whole speech about not wanting to be included in social media and said she was leaving the group

Three videos later my other sister like.."so and so, you know we can see that ur watching our videos cause we see ur icon"


Nigga came with receipts and everything. Screenshot'd the whole shit. Lmao.
Tomorrow, Friday, Mon and Tuesday. Can you come in at 10 instead of 11. Will take care of you. I owe you some hours anyway.


My shift is 2 to 10 reality +45 minutes usually

Told him i could do 12

They be trying to squeeze you to see if youll take it.. he was like aight no big deal
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