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Salt all in my wounds
Hear my tears all in my tunes
Let my life loose in this booth just for you
Mufucka hope y'all amused!
I did wrong, karma came
Crackers gave me ball and chain
Friends, enemies all the same
State, fed, both can hang
Nobody can mute me
But I never said nobody can't shoot me
Just another stat to the white folks
Still whip work to the white yolk, absolutely!
Everyday feel like the one before
Hunt the money, don't hunt the hoe
If you do what you always done
Then you get what you always got
You dumb buffoons!
I ain't seen the back of my eyelids
For about the past 72 hours
Hand on my heart, face to the hood
I pledge every word you ever heard was honest
Yeah this me, no mic
No cameras, no lights, just pain
Mama, how much trauma can I sustain?
Dirty money come with lots of stains
Road to riches come with lots of lanes
Just another player with lots of game
Never had shit, got lots to gain...
Had a pretty good day.

Went with my old man to his doctors appointment, got some positive news.

Road around with him listening to the newly released Coltrane album

Yo I have never seen someone act just like me. I swear everything she did, is some shit I’ve done before going out.
Lol...I thought I was the only one

Starting to think the storyline might have something to do with it too.

You know how they'll be following a pride around........and saying that they haven't had a kill in a few days.........and they need to have one soon or the cubs will starve to death?

Then they finally kill a buffalo or something and you see the whole pride eating..........makes me wanna eat too.

Almost like I had been experiencing what the pride was going through when they were looking for food and finally got something to eat.
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