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Ever be driving around town and be like.."hey, I had sex in that house"..?

Question though, when did having sex with someone's girl become such a staple in R&B?

Used to be, songs where about your girl, or if it wasn't your girl. It was about the girl your sleeping with that ain't your girl.

Now every song I hear, theres at least one if not mulitple, If not the hook itself. Mentioning fucking another niggaz girl.

When did relationships become such a nothing thing in music?
Mfs like going into glazed donut holes shits scust
Brain. washing.
Crazy how that works, used to be governed instances of help that you needed due to systematically applied pressures. That forced a fission in the home of the poor and or minority families.

Now with the progression of the strong willed few of us that pulled our current generations out of the dirt through pure will and sacrifice.

They put the poison in our seeds that the bonds they make mean nothing. Thus, goes the guided hope that they repeat the past.


Don't catch you slippin
Not even gone talk about how the Feminist and the Metoo movement is a trojan horse to devalue women in the long run.
i been saying this....

i was watching this program here....and its a chick who won the my universe or ms world...but she trying to get rid of the competition all together...saying how women are objectified and shit.

but its because she won and trynna get the shit stopped after the fact...i guess to be the last one.

but yea,....these chicks dont understand how its hurting them.

niggas aint asking for dates no more
niggas aint approaching no more
niggas dont want chicks on business trips or around the office.

this is why i dont want black chicks following this shit
Thats the dumbest meme ever and anti black af. Next you gonna post bill gates next to future with the caption "only one of these guys have billions" niggas stay duckriding other races on how they so much smarter than us gtfoh with that shit.

Exposing uncomfortable aspects about our culture ain't being anti anything.

I've seen both sides of this issue being presented many times, over the years.

A girl I know, beautiful in every way, asked me to get her a job. But at the time it was impossible because she couldn't get the permits available to work and take care of her kid, because she caught a case stealing fake weave from a Korean hair shop. For someone as pretty and outgoing as her, something within her personality clearly made her feel so desperate to the extent that she would do something like that, a deep seeded insecurity, which I know is outside of her character normally.

On the other side, a Korean friend of mine wasnt a fan of college. His fam had a few bs corner store donut and weave shops. After years of pressure instead of getting a well funded education they gave him a Bentley mulsanne AND the resources to open his own chain instead at the age of 21, no doubt nostly funded by the black dollar.

This polarity of prioritization and conflict of our cultures is nothing new. Hell, ice cube made a song about it called black korea when I was still a toddler. And yet the cycle still perpetuated all the way to adulthood.

Like I've said previously, the uncomfortable parts of the culture need to be addressed regardless of how it makes people feel.
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Exposing uncomfortable aspects about our culture ain't being anti anything.

I've seen both sides of this issue being presented many times, over the years.

A girl I know, beautiful in every way, asked me to get her a job. But at the time it was impossible because she couldn't get the permits available to work and take care of her kid, because she caught a case stealing fake weave from a Korean hair shop. For someone as pretty and outgoing as her, something within her personality clearly made her feel so desperate to the extent that she would do something like that, a deep seeded insecurity, which I know is outside of her character normally.

On the other side, a Korean friend of mine wasnt a fan of college. His fam had a few bs corner store donut and weave shops. After years of pressure instead of getting a well funded education they gave him a Bentley mulsanne instead at the age of 21, no doubt nostly funded by the black dollar.

This polarity of prioritization and conflict of our cultures is nothing new. Hell, ice cube made a song about it called black korea when I was still a toddler. And yet the cycle still perpetuated all the way to adulthood.

Like I've said previously, the uncomfortable parts of the culture need to be addressed regardless of how it makes people feel.
i often want to bring up the shit about us that needs to be addressed.....because real talk......we losing on a level i never understood until i lived abroad.

i really dont see how we can compete on a world stage outside of a few things. these kids are speaking multiple languages and refuse to be limited to any city and country let alone a block.

and how many times have i spoke about business and had niggas say how business aint for everyone yet.....these people here are thinking long term and wanting businesses.

we have alot of hard truths that people want to skip over.

niggas want to be real but dont want the truth.

so while people at a time was in slavery and yes a system was built to keep us down......most of us are mentally trapped and make a choice to stay there without trying to move in the system or change the system.

i can go deep in this shit.
i often want to bring up the shit about us that needs to be addressed.....because real talk......we losing on a level i never understood until i lived abroad.

i really dont see how we can compete on a world stage outside of a few things. these kids are speaking multiple languages and refuse to be limited to any city and country let alone a block.

and how many times have i spoke about business and had niggas say how business aint for everyone yet.....these people here are thinking long term and wanting businesses.

we have alot of hard truths that people want to skip over.

niggas want to be real but dont want the truth.

so while people at a time was in slavery and yes a system was built to keep us down......most of us are mentally trapped and make a choice to stay there without trying to move in the system or change the system.

i can go deep in this shit.

Trust me, I get exactly what you're saying bro. One time I remember in particular in HS I was having an conversation with a friend about the school news paper. I said something in effect about it being circulated else where and people not from the school.

A dude I know had to gall to me to come up and yell circulation? Tf black people do not say that shit! What u a cracka or something? I replied something to the effect of bro I'm speaking regular English. If u want to make yourself willingingly dumb when your not, fine by me, but I'm not going to feel bad for speaking normal. And let it at that.

I know where this stems from. I have a deep understanding of our history. I've seen the potential in us arising in the past and whit people crushing it.

All of that is great it context. But what are WE going to do about IT, if we're too uncomfortable to talk about the issues?

Look, I dont have an inferiority complex at all, intellectually or otherwise. In a class room setting I was able to run circles around most of the "smart kids" with my eyes closed with a fraction of the resources at my disposal with no studying.

But these aspects of our culture presented need to go, for us to grow into the type of community that would rather put their hard earned dollars into a Tulsa real estate type fund than merely fund bullshit consumerism.

We got the history. We got the brains. We've got the money. We just to orient our collective perspective towards the goals we want to see for our kids
Trust me, I get exactly what you're saying bro. One time I remember in particular in HS I was having an conversation with a friend about the school news paper. I said something in effect about it being circulated else where and people not from the school.

A dude I know had to gall to me to come up and yell circulation? Tf black people do not say that shit! What u a cracka or something? I replied something to the effect of bro I'm speaking regular English. If u want to make yourself willingingly dumb when your not, fine by me, but I'm not going to feel bad for speaking normal. And let it at that.

I know where this stems from. I have a deep understanding of our history. I've seen the potential in us arising in the past and whit people crushing it.

All of that is great it context. But what are WE going to do about IT, if we're too uncomfortable to talk about the issues?

Look, I dont have an inferiority complex at all, intellectually or otherwise. In a class room setting I was able to run circles around most of the "smart kids" with my eyes closed with a fraction of the resources at my disposal with no studying.

But these aspects of our culture presented need to go, for us to grow into the type of community that would rather put their hard earned dollars into a Tulsa real estate type fund than merely fund bullshit consumerism.

We got the history. We got the brains. We've got the money. We just to orient our collective perspective towards the goals we want to see for our kids
sad part is alot of people dont want to save shit for they kids.

niggas too busy trying to shine and enjoy life now.
but then they kids come up having to start from the bottom just like them.

you know something....we need a thread...

imma make it and go in.

im bout to get these puters putin
Thats the dumbest meme ever and anti black af. Next you gonna post bill gates next to future with the caption "only one of these guys have billions" niggas stay dickriding other races on how they so much smarter than us gtfoh with that shit.

Actually, it's dead on accurate and meant to provoke the reaction it did.

When I was coming up, the only women that wore wigs were hookers and old broads and nobody had extensions. If your hair was braided it was your own hair, nothing added. Black women were once proud of their own hair and rocked it in whatever style they chose but no matter what it was still their own hair.

Not sure when that changed. Maybe niggas just got too lazy, maybe the white man won on this front. Whatever the case the shit is out of fucking hand and needs to stop.
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