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I havent bought papers since HS

Do gas stations carry Zig Zags?

yep, I haven't lived in a city yet where gas stations didn't sell 'em.

you two

was it Supergangster/chompollet?

'cause those looked like Chompie's posts.
It was a dude who was here right before y'all came iirc.

I can't remember what he called himself on the IC but he's had a couple of accounts on here which is a no no
Son in school, some kid snuffs him for no reason, my son catch em back a few times..they get to tussling..my son gets suspended again. Talking to the principle and dude talking bout they know the kid snuffed him first but my son needs to learn to walk away from conflict.

Picked my son up, he goes..daddy, he hit me and you told me if someone hit me, to hit them back so that's what I did

2585643-8951009653-raydi.png took that nigga to McDonald's for a big Mac
Power out from wind.... @willhustle this is another thing, infrastructure is so outdated in Michigan. I may have to buy a whole house generator, second time power been out in a month
When I was in elementary, the whole school, at least the boys..spike was in effect at all times, had to keep your head on a swivel speaking words that started with b..

One time some kid while in the library said Book and I caught that nigga. I was aiming for the chest but I caught all stomach, homie threw up his breakfast on my shoes..

I got sent to the office, principal told me to chill da fuck out..and I went back to class..

Fuck is this new shit
Power out from wind.... @willhustle this is another thing, infrastructure is so outdated in Michigan. I may have to buy a whole house generator, second time power been out in a month

I remember some serious ass winds back in Tha D during the summers, but they never knocked out the power, at least not where I lived anyways. I remember one summer the wind was so strong coming down the street I went out side, stood on the sidewalk and did the Smooth Criminal lean and the wind kept me from falling. Shit was like 70-80mph winds sustained.
AsianDate.com banner ads I used to see all the damned time on the IC are now popping up here.


Next up; ads for McLaren, Bugatti, and other super exotic cars.
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