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When I used to go to the country. Can’t see the stars to clear in the city.
Yeah it’s called light pollution, you figure that. Ancient civilizations farmed, celebrated, planned their yearly lives by the stars. And we call them primitive, but look at us now. School shootings, a wealth of riches and still famine runs rampant. We drown out the stars with artificial light, and we live artificial lives. When you think about it, who are the primitive ones. The ones who with no knowledge of what’s actually out there, yet still able to accurately map out the cosmos. Or us, having more of an acute idea, but at the same time lost here on earth.
Yeah it’s called light pollution, you figure that. Ancient civilizations farmed, celebrated, planned their yearly lives by the stars. And we call them primitive, but look at us now. School shootings, a wealth of riches and still famine runs rampant. We drown out the stars with artificial light, and we live artificial lives. When you think about it, who are the primitive ones. The ones who with no knowledge of what’s actually out there, yet still able to accurately map out the cosmos. Or us, having more of an acute idea, but at the same time lost here on earth.

You ever stare at the stars and wonder what’s out there?

My parents sent me to Guyana for the entire summer when I was 11-12 yrs old. I absolutely did not want to go. I remember my first night there just looking up into the starry sky wondering where the fuck I am and tears just coming down my cheek on some Disney shit.

They really just dumped me in a 3rd world country for 2 whole months and completely forgot about my turtle. Nigga was shriveled up and dead when I got back.

I'll never forget the betrayal.
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