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Fortuna touched his ass up those last 30 seconds... niggas get too excited when they hurt someone and start swinging for the fences
I’m selling Valentine’s Day banners for your favorite ABW poster.

Hit my line to give ya Boo some Shine

Fortuna touched his ass up those last 30 seconds... niggas get too excited when they hurt someone and start swinging for the fences
I was watching a stream but it went down...

It looked like he was on Easter pretty tough
Me and the missus stopped by the local 99 Ranch Market to cop some good fish for dinner, and a few other things and we decided to try out a bottle of Umeshu. Supposedly Choya is one of the most popular brands in Japan.

Got it home and had a half a glass after dinner...

This shit honestly ain't bad. It's not that strong at only 15% alcohol (30 proof), but it's got a decent taste (the plum really comes through), sweet and sour... borderline MD 20/20 sweet, and very little alcohol taste. At $22 a bottle it ain't bad but don't drink it just to get drunk. It ain't that type of liquor.
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