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cats are bitches they need to roll 50 fucking deep to stand on their own two.. i dont know whats greater bitchassery.. the person that gathers the street coons or the street coons that willingly jump up to prove they are the lowest common denominator
been saying this for awhile.

niggas can talk shit and overwhelm when they have 50 niggas when only one stepped to them.
and then you have chicks that like niggas who can summon niggas like this...like they wield some sort of power. or theylike the nigga who runs to his buddys aid..

man fuck that...i dont need to call my homies,.

if i catch the beats...i shoulda kept my mouth shut or something.
I'm legit about to google how long can I drink wine after taking a Extra Strength Tylenol....that didn't even work.

Nigga I can't remember a time when I took Tylenol and didn't wash it down with alcohol....

Nigga I can't remember a time when I took Tylenol and didn't wash it down with alcohol....
Don't matter now, i'm drinking already LMFAO!

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