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we got up this morning, tired as fuck, everyone in pain from the weekend...

Fuck it tho... It was all worth it to get out of that ghetto ass spot. We outchea sleepin on air mattresses and a futon until the movers and I go to get our furniture out of storage tomorrow morning.
Even MJ's songs that didn't make the final cut were fire.......I've always loved Carousel, but it was either this or Human Nature as there was only room on the album for one song of this type, according to Quincy Jones.

When was this not how you do shit???When did niggas stop following this rule??? This shit is like "How To Be A Player 101". Like... this shit ain't even profound, this is low level basic shit.

These young niglets out here dont move how we move...and when you try to provide guidance...you to old understand

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