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ive spent many nights in the drunk tank....tonight is perfect......friday is the the worst....you have to stay till monday,,,,,shit im so fucking depressed i dont give a fuck and aint kissing no asses tonight sorry im already drunk
I was thinking, say life was one big company. In this company there’s, leadership, the technical department, the customer service department, the sales department, the labor department.

And in all of these departments, they require a specific amount of skill and understanding to achieve 100% efficiency. So at this company your duties are 100% of your existence. So much so that all you can do and know are is the way your mind works to do to your job.

This goes on for so long with offspring born into the system and put to work and develop the same skills and the same way of thinking. It becomes bred and instinctual.

Then one day the company closes and it’s existence is forgotten. But the people that it created are stuck with the way their minds have developed.

Left to roam and branch out, but they are leadership, technical, service, labor, sales. They soon forget why they think the way they think. They just..are. For generations they raise kids with the sensibilities that are steep in the embodiment of the company from which their ancestors came from.

We are leaders, sales, labor, technical and such. We are programed things, programed for a job, that we don’t wanna do. So when you think depression, maybe all it is. Is that you don’t want to except your programing.

And releasing yourself of depression, is just finding a way to unknowingly accept your programing. But at the end of the day, you still have no choice. Your code...it was written

*Hence the DEEP in the deep fried...
man yall bitch like your on your period lol......just dont talk to me and stop acting like hoes ......i been on the same name since doofus died...........and that was my choice..........yall reall are acting like some little girls
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