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when it was time to get fresh air i would stretch my arms and do jumping jacks..........get in some pull ups, drop to the ground and immediatly do push ups i didn't breat i let the air seep into my muscles and bones........then i would jog here and there......i read books about mysteries and jogged faster to find the ghost....i tripped and skinned my knee but i learned the secret of life in the hospital
You told off on ya self bitch
listen sir.........ima pretened like i give two shits just so you fuck off......right, unless you want to be friends and can bring someting positve into this world then why the fuck are you constalty in my ass man?@?@ your welcome if you make music or art....or want to learn.......or have business skills......if not your not really shit too me
im not a hoe like your bitch made ass............i put my self out from the start..........i aint scared of a man in a mask..just for that fuck you for wasting my time. ill fight any man with pride..... do it in person and make me respect you after your on the floor , i might help you up dust you off and give you a fucking beer if you dont cry like the bitch i think you are
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