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In other news, high schools are getting rid of the term freshman in favor of a non gender specific term.

They will now be referred to as "first years"

Hold on what??

First years is used in other countries tho. But if they saying Freshman offends non male identifying students i think that bs. Kids aint thinking bout that.
Motherfucker, there is an entire thread about this show. Go there and post in it
First years is used in other countries tho. But if they saying Freshman offends non male identifying students i think that bs. Kids aint thinking bout that.
It's the U.S. in 2017 that's exactly what they are referring too.
AP gotta relax. That diabetes fuck with Niggaz moods
I'm so relaxed man

Like you have no idea how relaxed I am

You should know how relaxed I am because I just told you how relaxed I was
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