Welcome To aBlackWeb

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Man, I've changed so much..I've done so much shit to people that I don't even remember doing.

I meet people I haven't seen in a long time and they give me attitude

And I'm think..fuck is wrong wit them

Searching my brain for memories I've long since forgotten and I remember

:shrug3:Well, least they ain't snuff me on sight
Oh, that's the way she meant it? Like if I accidentally bump into a person unintentionally and say "my bad" just as a gesture?

Yea I do that
Lol...I remember I went to a party my cousin was throwing, I'm standing out side smoking and this chick I hadn't seen in years. Pulls up, comes out her car, makes B line for me and says "oh I need to talk to u" then goes inside

:lolfoh:I left

I don't even remember doing shit to her...but I wouldn't be surprised if I did
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