Welcome To aBlackWeb

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@EleanorDeWitt you didn't have to dip there's no law that says people can only post on one website. You were not hurting it in my opinion.
It's not that it's the accusations. And the pettiness. Too much drama over there. I only brought it up in here cause Beta one of the people complaining about how it looks supporting Goldie yet here he is, supporting Goldie foh
What pressure? There's nothing to do as a mod there. I stepped down cause people including you are complaining about me modding here and I'm not quitting here so I quit there. And since you were already here, you didn't need to say nothing about other people (me and trini) being here, but you did. Jack can speak on his own POV what're you his lap dog?

Anyway have fun here.. even though it makes no sense for you to be here when it "looks bad"

Quick when did I complain about you being a mod especially when I was one of the first people congratulating you on becoming one? And you making it seem as if I made him aware yall were posting and modding here? I gave my opinion on things because I was trying to be a non biased source telling you where hes coming from. And its semantics but im talking about specifically "modding" at both places at the same time. You mad over forum shit though...

I have no problem with goldie though so its not like I care what you do or not. Im just saying from the perspective of that site that dont look too good. Who knew you would take it to heart
@Beta, on some real shit, you made a few valid points, but you should had sat this one out.

IC members and friends already catch enough heat over there where we don't need one of our own turning on us.

It's funny how you criticized me in the past about trying to "Fix the IC", but I never snitched or threw a "friend" under the bus to make my point.

It seems like you only give a fuck about something when it benefits you directly. Only reason you finally spoke on that broad that everyone hates and the two-site moderator situation is because it is going to help or affect you in getting bitches. No true altruism involved.
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@Beta, on some real shit, you made a few valid points, but you should had sat this one out.

IC people and friends already catch enough heat over there where we don't need one of our own turning on us.

It's funny how you criticized me in the past about trying to "Fix the IC", but I never snitched or threw a "friend" under the bus to make my point.

It seems like you only give a fuck about something when it affects you directly. Only reason you spoke on that broad everyone hates and the two-site moderator thing is because it is going to affect or help you get bitches. No true altruism involved.
When did I "snitch" when he already knew they posted and modded here which is why he made the thread in the first place?

I aint even gonna address the last lines because it makes no sense
The point is you turned your back on your friends.

You finally decided to speak on issues after not caring for so long, you put your foot in your mouth.

Case closed.

Quick when did I complain about you being a mod especially when I was one of the first people congratulating you on becoming one? And you making it seem as if I made him aware yall were posting and modding here? I gave my opinion on things because I was trying to be a non biased source telling you where hes coming from. And its semantics but im talking about specifically "modding" at both places at the same time. You mad over forum shit though...

I have no problem with goldie though so its not like I care what you do or not. Im just saying from the perspective of that site that dont look too good. Who knew you would take it to heart
Nigga I already quoted you saying when you saw trini and I were mods over here that "it looked bad."

You further dug that grave with the "you don't support your competitors" nonsense. Read your own posts and if you don't understand what you write your own self then do us all a favor and stop posting.
El the type of woman who if she finds out you cheated on her, she'll cook you a nice dinner, put on some sexy lingerie, take you to the bedroom afterwards, do a strip tease, then as soon as the lingerie drop to the floor...she watch you choke and foam at the mouth while you go into a seizure, and keel over.

She just poisoned you and you ain't een know it.

You said this site wasnt competition to his when it clearly is and vice versa. All I did was break it down. You can stay emotional though
El the type of woman who if she finds out you cheated on her, she'll cook you a nice dinner, put on some sexy lingerie, take you to the bedroom afterwards, do a strip tease, then as soon as the lingerie drop to the floor...she watch you choke and foam at the mouth while you go into a seizure, and keel over.

She just poisoned you and you ain't een know it.

To the bolded I sure would ;)
Everything else nope, not to you
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