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Yall ever had these?

naw when they came out, them shits was like $20-$30 a box.....well they came free with a $20-$30 tshirt

but it's a wrestling thing....in context the shit is hilarious.....

but if u have no idea what's going on i ca understand how the shit look type crazy
these niggaz was having way too much fun when the shit came out too...

like no one knew what the fuckt hey were doing, they just gave them the green light cuz it was working....
thser niggaz funny as shit too....

they be having way too much fun.....

like it's not forced at all.....they just being goofy.....and the fans loved it

My aunt died last week, and on cue all my cousins act like complete asses. Mind you these niggaz in their 40's and 50's..

So my one cousin calls my aunt's daughter to cuss her out for being an ass to her siblings...then calls me to tell me about it in case there's tension at the funeral.

I made her dumb ass apologize, which she did, but she just called me with a cough like "I'm too sick to go to the funeral"
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