Welcome To aBlackWeb

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so you on hiphop centric sites to NOT talk about things related to hiphop?
i came to the site cuz of the gif's and photoshops...

started in gns, then to donkey....

the reason always seemed corny to me
someone who was needlessly disrespectful to me and many other people ended up losing their business and now scrambling to cover up their tracks

Is that right


...you're welcome.


Not personally. In one of these FB groups im in for this diet Im on some guy was talking about it and said the diet really helps with Inflammation so he feels better
Yup diet, anti-inflammatories, and pt. But I don't have much muscle or money for meds or gyms... So I'm basically sitting and waiting for my lungs and/or heart to go under attack.... While trying to figure out how the hell to figure out applying for disability. Ugh I'm half ass considering holding auditions for an old impotent sugar daddy.
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