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he punched her in the head

Speak on it my nig...my brotha
Long story short, I was playing destiny with my usual group, except this time we had somebody new come in cause one of the regulars wasn't online. Cool no problem, except when dude got on the mic, dude was one of the most self deprecating mf I've ever encountered. Just constant jokes about black people and himself, to the point where I and even the cac's in our group had to tell him to chill. It was coonery overload man.
Long story short, I was playing destiny with my usual group, except this time we had somebody new come in cause one of the regulars wasn't online. Cool no problem, except when dude got on the mic, dude was one of the most self deprecating mf I've ever encountered. Just constant jokes about black people and himself, to the point where I and even the cac's in our group had to tell him to chill. It was coonery overload man.

man fuck that nigga
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