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You and this girl/guy hit it off so damn well. They are everything you like. You go to the girl/guys house and see one little roach just crawling away in their bathroom, do you stop talking to her/him?

What if you go back another time and it’s another roach but this time in the living room?

i wouldnt start to panic unless i see them in the fridge, around food in cabinets, or in her drawers

like it rains a ton down here so its not uncommon for a cockroach to find itself in ya spot, no matter how clean you keep it. They are just running for refuge from the rain.

Now im talking one, MAYBE two at most during a bad downpour or the day or so after, but if its beginning to see like they cloning themselves

abandon ship

The Northern Lights were out on my way to the gym this morning.
First apartment i ever had. I was 17, found a small cheap 3 bedroom in a shit part of town that i split with 2 of my friends from school. We went and saw it during the day, shit was cool. Was small but all we could afford. We move in and start watching a movie and getting high to celebrate our first day on our own. Roommate goes "Wtf is that??" and points to the wall. Was a damn cockroach. We kill it, then look around and find maybe 30 of them on the walls in different areas of the apartment. Shit was disgusting AF and we damn near moved out lol. I said fuck it cuz I wasnt about to beg mom to let me come back home. Went to ACE Hardware and got a cockroach bomb and set it off the next morning when we left for work. Luckily after we got home we only saw one cockroach then never saw them again after that second night. Thankfully we got tiny cockroaches up here compared to southern states.
anyone remember JayZ's Unplugged when it originally aired?

I could've sworn there was a segment where he let the crowd rap Pimp's verse from Big Pimpin

its not on the album
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