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These arguments are tired

Rock fans born in 1998 are fans of Rock groups from the 60's, 70's & 80's AND 90's so this excuse is dead forever. It's a cop out. Try again
p_Dg_U3a_O_zpspdlr4zyc.gif Jonsey how when the individual making the comment doesn't care who came before? His pops told him todays music is trash Lonzo will continue to do him though. I'm talking about Lonzo specifically but, Hip Hop fans in s 2017 have been disrespecting legends that have came before for a while now. Rock fans are fine with U2 still touring. Hip Hop how many times have we heard "these old ass rappers need to retire"?
y u nosign tapioca cake?
View attachment 11376 Jonsey how when the individual making the comment doesn't care who came before? His pops told him todays music is trash Lonzo will continue to do him though. I'm talking about Lonzo specifically but, Hip Hop fans in s 2017 have been disrespecting legends that have came before for a while now. Rock fans are fine with U2 still touring. Hip Hop how many times have we heard "these old ass rappers need to retire"?

You're right.
We created this climate
I just don't understand shitting on music from a different era. Its wack

I use to think 80s rap was weird and goofy but I still respected it. Like why is that so hard?
It isn't a new concept didn't that yatchy dude say fuck Big and Pac Drake is Goat?
idk why ya'll going back and forth over a 19 yr old opinion of music

its sad, but thats where we are as a culture

he not trying to enlighten himself with the artists that help pave the way for the artists he likes.

So what nobody bumping Nas in the club. Everything has its time and place. Hell, i just bumped Stillmatic the other night like 3x in a row with no skips.
idk why ya'll going back and forth over a 19 yr old opinion of music

its sad, but thats where we are as a culture

he not trying to enlighten himself with the artists that help pave the way for the artists he likes.

So what nobody bumping Nas in the club. Everything has its time and place. Hell, i just bumped Stillmatic the other night like 3x in a row with no skips.

Shut AP grown folks are talking
Just quoting Mr AP baby

my point is, Nas and the elder statesmen of rap did a lot of the leg work on the business side to help artists out now

now, what the labels have done by signing these artists with no talent aint on Nas' shoulders so he shouldnt get none of the blame for the shit that happened with a lot of the microwave music
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