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Why folks always say that?

"You just ain't had *insert name of person who they feel makes the best dish being discussed that the other person doesn't eat*

Mac & cheese is turrible. Regardless who makes it.
I would say Niecy Nash looking good AF her new show CLAWS but my disdain for BAB's won't allow such a heinous comment to arise

Havent seen all of them, but i liked this one:

Since the show picked up steam and was signed to Crackle, the youtube vids have been changed so they have deeper or higher voices to avoid copyright issues so that can be kind of annoying. All 9 seasons will be on Netflix later this summer though and will also debut the 10th season.

Show is literally just Seinfeld driving around in different cars getting coffee and talking with his comedian friends though ahah.

If you're ever in LA I'll tell you a place u can meet him almost guaranteed unless he's shooting or out of town
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