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my supervisor came over here and gave me a banana nut muffin

its bout to go in the trash

i've seen you walk clean out the bathroom w/o washing ya hands

pass b
white dude just giving niggaz bananas in 2017 like it's nuffin hunh?:bruh1:
no. it is true that a lot of sex workers do start off with lighter shit like camming though. idk the numbers but every one I've spoken to didn't go straight into the deep end unless they were made homeless or something.
you know i'm just teasing at this point, lol
aight ion check out cam sites or cam porn so u may be right

just wish those sites were female owned.

I know sum1 who is related to a camgirl. she makes just about min wage, factoring in the hrs put it.
Minimum wage???

Man hell no!
All facts my nigga. Ik it's early, but Giannis will be the best player in the league in the next couple years.
He's been losing since he came into the league, those numbers he put up doesn't amount to W's.

i think we all have different expectations when we watch sports

the standards ya'll hold to certain people is just insane

ya'll just cant seem to enjoy a person individual accolades for what they are

but i tell you one team that would love for AD to come play for them...the bulls and the other 29 teams in the league
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