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Added to Calendar: 06-13-24

That's another way to say realistic
It's a satirical parody of classic comic troupes with macabre nature.

That's a very different and maybe to some a refreshing approach to comics series.

However once you get past that, it's not really that impressive as a stand out.

Where as Daredevil is a classic long standing popular comic with multiple writer's and numerous essential storylines to influence them.

My thing is this. The boys is good. No doubt. But this is not classic territory we're in here. It's something new and attention grabbing.

Daredevil in the other hand was some really really really good story telling with decades of classic material to draw from.

The boys was what can we and what can we not get away with on TV.

It's like kick ass. EXTREMELY FUN MOVIE. Not even close to a top 10 classic. Scott Pilgrim was better.

Feel me??
You are good at debates, how you low key attribute the boys to something as remedial or juvenile as kickass. Their sub villian was a spoiled killed that dressed in a females bdsm outfit and their main villain got shot out the window with a rocket launcher. One of their main characters was a little girl assassin, besides how it was purely ridiculous. And scott pilgrim...wasnt that just a bunch of random shit for kids that think red bull is water.

Your debate tactic to compare the boys to that. Which is a show that depicted what could happen if the true attributes of humanity were shown in those that had super powers.

Like...take the NFL..and their NFL cares, yea warrick Dunn is what youd like to get most of the times...but Antonio Brown is more in route with what you get when you give ego driven alpha dogs a shit load of fame and money in a society that worships fame and money. You get poorly adjusted sociopaths that take advantage of those they see weaker than themselves. More than you get Lawyers who stalk the roofs of hells kitchen at night just just for the love of the city and nothing else..

Nigga is an adrenaline junkie if we wanna be real. That's why he fights crime
No, that is where your esoteric mind took it.

The boys is dark parody of the Justice League. That's it's origins.

It's story line is a flip on heroes working for profit and for the government. That story line in and if itself has been done in quite a few comics. It's not really inherently unique to this comic, show, or characters.

My point is all of this has been done before. Yes there are some levels, because it has to at some point take itself seriously. But largely this shit was an over the top shock fest that borderline on some smut shit.

In the comics, they all raped star light. Homelander jerked off on the city. Like it gets over the top extreme. That's the shows identity. The absurdity of extremes.

It had to be toned down for tv. So what you appreciate as realness is actually a consequence of the show not being allowed to it's true self. Where they go now is almost uncharted territory they've changed so much, just to get it aired.

I compared it to kick ass because over the top violence and Gore was it's claim.... And once you get past that... You see it for what it is, and you broke that down well.

I mentioned Scott Pilgrim, because it actually had a story that was kinda funny and even though it was predictable it was done in a way you wanted to see it thru, and can watch over and over again.

My thing with the boys is.... Once you get past the awkward and shocking, and anti-hero nature of the show..... The overall story really isn't that good.

Like episode after episode is just reminder of how anti hero these heros are.

They cuss
They kill
They let people die
They are bad people
They are weird and damaged

Like every episode is just a reminder of that with a different characters. But no overall story is getting told until you get to the end and you see where they were going with it. Okay this chemical that made the supers is being given to terrorist to get the seven in the military m

That's it. That's the challenge they're facing. That's homelander ultimate plan.

The rest of the series is mind fucks and cringe moments
They're people, selish, self serving, holier than thou, hedonistic, naive, headstrong, jealous,..alot of super hero shit they give reason to why people do shit. Like it cant just be, that they're an asshole. That's the boys, I ran through ya girl and I forgot. Not cause I'm some evil guy with no emotions. I'm just self centered and ion give shit.

Simple as that, no need to lie to the audience to make them feel better than me. So they have a reason to root against me. Shit, in some way some of em might like me.

Its reminds of the whole, thanos did nothing wrong brigade. You are complicating this way more than it has to be. It's better because its human, it doesnt need extraordinary deeply written plot devices to explain motivations. Their motivations are human, which makes it even harder to write for.

It's the Seinfeld of super hero shows
Fisk was just a plot device????

Harley Quinn and the whole entire suicide squad
Guy Gardner

Like I said. Nothing is new
Why do you keep saying that

Who said the idea of this show/comic had never been done before?