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Added to Calendar: 06-13-24

No, that is where your esoteric mind took it.

The boys is dark parody of the Justice League. That's it's origins.

It's story line is a flip on heroes working for profit and for the government. That story line in and if itself has been done in quite a few comics. It's not really inherently unique to this comic, show, or characters.

My point is all of this has been done before. Yes there are some levels, because it has to at some point take itself seriously. But largely this shit was an over the top shock fest that borderline on some smut shit.

In the comics, they all raped star light. Homelander jerked off on the city. Like it gets over the top extreme. That's the shows identity. The absurdity of extremes.

It had to be toned down for tv. So what you appreciate as realness is actually a consequence of the show not being allowed to it's true self. Where they go now is almost uncharted territory they've changed so much, just to get it aired.

I compared it to kick ass because over the top violence and Gore was it's claim.... And once you get past that... You see it for what it is, and you broke that down well.

I mentioned Scott Pilgrim, because it actually had a story that was kinda funny and even though it was predictable it was done in a way you wanted to see it thru, and can watch over and over again.

My thing with the boys is.... Once you get past the awkward and shocking, and anti-hero nature of the show..... The overall story really isn't that good.

Like episode after episode is just reminder of how anti hero these heros are.

They cuss
They kill
They let people die
They are bad people
They are weird and damaged

Like every episode is just a reminder of that with a different characters. But no overall story is getting told until you get to the end and you see where they were going with it. Okay this chemical that made the supers is being given to terrorist to get the seven in the military m

That's it. That's the challenge they're facing. That's homelander ultimate plan.

The rest of the series is mind fucks and cringe moments

I have to agree with this statement.

I liked The Boys alot but honestly the overall plot for Homelander like @Duwop said was super thin. I think alot of people liked it so much because it is totally different than most super hero shows and films once again like @Duwop stated.

Butcher's quest was pretty well fleshed out and the way they ended the 1st season might really set up the 2nd season to be something special. They seem to be really committed to showing why Homelander is so screwed up and how maybe him finding out about his son will effect him, Butcher, and Butcher's wife.

I'm really excited to see where everything goes for next season
Thanks for the acknowledgement....

I'm so underappreciated around here...

But I'm excited too.... Mainly because the lane the showrunners created is so far from the comics, it's truly their show this season. Where they go is up to them, and if they want any type of longevity, they have to tell us a compelling story.

The shock of heroes being asses is over. Now you have to bring something truly original to the table.

EA dropped a video earlier. Haven't watched it yet, but I'll post it to piss revolver off
I'm so underappreciated around here...

No, that is where your esoteric mind took it.

The boys is dark parody of the Justice League. That's it's origins.

It's story line is a flip on heroes working for profit and for the government. That story line in and if itself has been done in quite a few comics. It's not really inherently unique to this comic, show, or characters.

My point is all of this has been done before. Yes there are some levels, because it has to at some point take itself seriously. But largely this shit was an over the top shock fest that borderline on some smut shit.

In the comics, they all raped star light. Homelander jerked off on the city. Like it gets over the top extreme. That's the shows identity. The absurdity of extremes.

It had to be toned down for tv. So what you appreciate as realness is actually a consequence of the show not being allowed to it's true self. Where they go now is almost uncharted territory they've changed so much, just to get it aired.

I compared it to kick ass because over the top violence and Gore was it's claim.... And once you get past that... You see it for what it is, and you broke that down well.

I mentioned Scott Pilgrim, because it actually had a story that was kinda funny and even though it was predictable it was done in a way you wanted to see it thru, and can watch over and over again.

My thing with the boys is.... Once you get past the awkward and shocking, and anti-hero nature of the show..... The overall story really isn't that good.

Like episode after episode is just reminder of how anti hero these heros are.

They cuss
They kill
They let people die
They are bad people
They are weird and damaged

Like every episode is just a reminder of that with a different characters. But no overall story is getting told until you get to the end and you see where they were going with it. Okay this chemical that made the supers is being given to terrorist to get the seven in the military m

That's it. That's the challenge they're facing. That's homelander ultimate plan.

The rest of the series is mind fucks and cringe moments
I have to agree with this statement.

I liked The Boys alot but honestly the overall plot for Homelander like @Duwop said was super thin. I think alot of people liked it so much because it is totally different than most super hero shows and films once again like @Duwop stated.

Butcher's quest was pretty well fleshed out and the way they ended the 1st season might really set up the 2nd season to be something special. They seem to be really committed to showing why Homelander is so screwed up and how maybe him finding out about his son will effect him, Butcher, and Butcher's wife.

I'm really excited to see where everything goes for next season

I gotta disagree about Homelander. The first quote about this thing being Homelander's ultimate plan is off. If you think that then you've clearly misread him. Which is pretty much what EVERYBODY on that show has done. His entire arc is about misconceptions people have about him.

Starting off with the role he plays for the public. He comes in, saves the day, even gets those autographs. He even keeps up the act around the rest of the Seven early on: "Let's talk about how many people we've saved today". He portrays himself as a professional while the other members don't even pretend they aren't self-indulgent assholes. He's shooting documentaries about growing with a family he never had.

It's not until we see him shoot a plane down because someone simply mentioned Compound V that we see he's worse than all of them. At the race, we see he doesn't give a fuck about being a hero but he puts the face on and the swallow it without chewing. The plane hijacking scene showed Homelander in a light that outside of Maeve no one will see (unless a black box turns up).

But, Homelander knows how to turn on the charm. He spun that hijacking into a commercial for Supes in the military. He turned up at that Christian festival as well. Most of his career, if not life, has been dedicated to putting up a front. It seems like he was willing to do whatever to help his company thrive.

Which brings me to the next point. Stillwell (and most likely the company at large) seem to think they have a hold on Homelander. There is clearly some weird desire Homelander has for Stillwell, but instead of him being at her beck and call, it leads him to go rogue at times. Stillwell didn't send him to shoot that plane down, he did it on his own. Running the Compound V around the world to terrorists was not something Vought initiated. He wanted maternal love (or something) from Stillwell but that didn't mean he was gonna do what he was told.

Then it comes to what his opposition knew about him. The aforementioned relationship with Stillwell was thought to be a weakness or at least a way to find one. While she did have a serious affect on him at times It all went to shit at the end. Butcher hoped to use this information to his advantage but Homelander did it for him.

The world at large thinks they have Homelander figured out. That they understand him. None of us do. Like Mother's Milk said, Homelander's a black hole. Homelander doesn't have Homelander figured out. So yes there were a lot of mindfucks. The show's entire premise was about things not being what they appeared. Homelander just happened to be the biggest and most blatant example.
I gotta disagree about Homelander. The first quote about this thing being Homelander's ultimate plan is off. If you think that then you've clearly misread him. Which is pretty much what EVERYBODY on that show has done. His entire arc is about misconceptions people have about him.

Starting off with the role he plays for the public. He comes in, saves the day, even gets those autographs. He even keeps up the act around the rest of the Seven early on: "Let's talk about how many people we've saved today". He portrays himself as a professional while the other members don't even pretend they aren't self-indulgent assholes. He's shooting documentaries about growing with a family he never had.

It's not until we see him shoot a plane down because someone simply mentioned Compound V that we see he's worse than all of them. At the race, we see he doesn't give a fuck about being a hero but he puts the face on and the swallow it without chewing. The plane hijacking scene showed Homelander in a light that outside of Maeve no one will see (unless a black box turns up).

But, Homelander knows how to turn on the charm. He spun that hijacking into a commercial for Supes in the military. He turned up at that Christian festival as well. Most of his career, if not life, has been dedicated to putting up a front. It seems like he was willing to do whatever to help his company thrive.

Which brings me to the next point. Stillwell (and most likely the company at large) seem to think they have a hold on Homelander. There is clearly some weird desire Homelander has for Stillwell, but instead of him being at her beck and call, it leads him to go rogue at times. Stillwell didn't send him to shoot that plane down, he did it on his own. Running the Compound V around the world to terrorists was not something Vought initiated. He wanted maternal love (or something) from Stillwell but that didn't mean he was gonna do what he was told.

Then it comes to what his opposition knew about him. The aforementioned relationship with Stillwell was thought to be a weakness or at least a way to find one. While she did have a serious affect on him at times It all went to shit at the end. Butcher hoped to use this information to his advantage but Homelander did it for him.

The world at large thinks they have Homelander figured out. That they understand him. None of us do. Like Mother's Milk said, Homelander's a black hole. Homelander doesn't have Homelander figured out. So yes there were a lot of mindfucks. The show's entire premise was about things not being what they appeared. Homelander just happened to be the biggest and most blatant example.

Homelander is a sociopath, who moves the way he does due to pretty much being a test tube baby. Lol. Season 2's trailer is pretty much confirming that just like some of the characters who consistently kept saying he was a weirdo/bad dude in the 1st season.

His overall motivation/plot in the 1st season was still hella thin. The only solid thing we learned about him in the 1st season is he is just as bad (actually worse) as all the other superhero's. His motivation for making super villains is hella thin also.

I liked the show and I think (hope) the 2nd season will do even more to flesh out the main characters and overall story

Jeffrey Dean Morgan would make a great addition to this type of show and he already has a relationship with Kripke from Supernatural. He played the Comedian as well in the watchmen movie and is great as Neegan on Walking Dead. I hope this happens lol
So is that blonde chick, the superhero that was dating the main guy from the boys still technically a part of the seven? I might need to rewatch season 1