Welcome To aBlackWeb


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It's the wild wild west on the ABW now, I ain't trying to be told another mf'er complaining about what I say to them.
Yall got to it bright and early today lol

Let me figure this shit out

No need, I was just proving a point that these mf'ers puff out their bird chests with that mod squad bullshit but don't actually do nothing unless it's one of their own with the complaint.

It's all good but still take that robber badge away from dude
Who's emotional nigga besides the feelings banning mod. I'm just trying to get niggas to be better mods but they content with being jackasses.
You emotional b. Stay crying about what others can do and you can't do. A female at that. Tuh!

You personally can't tell me about being a better mod when you such a shit and weak poster. Nigga please
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