I'm about to take my money someone owes me
Every time I see them, they got on new shit but never my money
Was trying to be nice about it but that ain't got me my money
Oh, and don't try to spend it before I take it. That'll make it worse
Nigga if you don’t stop tagging mods. Lmaoooooooo@Mods
Can I have it the color blue as well
This the smoothest threat I've seen all dayI'm about to take my money someone owes me
Every time I see them, they got on new shit but never my money
Was trying to be nice about it but that ain't got me my money
Oh, and don't try to spend it before I take it. That'll make it worse
Uh I’m about to retwist my hair. I got a life right now!@Kandy can you preside over a court case?
Nigga I ain't yo client
Uh I’m about to retwist my hair. I got a life right now!
I can do it Sunday.
Can you make the thread tonight so we don't forget?Uh I’m about to retwist my hair. I got a life right now!
I can do it Sunday.
Nigga I've been fighting these niggas since the site was created and never modded with feelings, not one time.All the defending I did of you back then when the entire ABW was going at you.
You my damn client inadvertently
Nigga I've been fighting these niggas since the site was created and never modded with feelings, not one time.
I'm also not in debt to other members either
There was another member I loaned money to, I won't say their name, but he paid me back earlier than they said they would
It's possible, I know it
@Goldie funds removed
Sure thing. Anything else my new mod bestie?