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The abw adventure gathering!

Yes...I'm still in.
I toss a rock across the room.
When hoodie goes to get it....I sneak up and put him in the sleeper and run his pockets.
Yes...I'm still in.
I toss a rock across the room.
When hoodie goes to get it....I sneak up and put him in the sleeper and run his pockets.

He walks over to the rock.
Make a Hit Roll D20 (Roll a 20sided Dice) on trying to Grapple him
I got a 15

You get a good hold on the guy, thanks to the surprise moment.
He's struggeling and trying to get free.
How do you want to proceed?
If you'd want to choke him you'd have to Roll another Hitroll D20.


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I go to the cart to try to lift it.
I rolled a 13

You manage to lift the cart and put it on the right side. There are some cotton sacs beneath it and you can see an elderly man cowering, now trying to stand up.

"Oh thank you! Thank you! I'm a merchant, these guys have kidnapped me and my load! But geez! We're in real trouble now, hope the guards outside haven't heard anything!"

You manage to lift the cart and put it on the right side. There are some cotton sacs beneath it and you can see an elderly man cowering, now trying to stand up.

"Oh thank you! Thank you! I'm a merchant, these guys have kidnapped me and my load! But geez! We're in real trouble now, hope the guards outside haven't heard anything!"

I take the pants and hoodie of hoodie dude ...stuff them with cotton to resemble a human. I go open the door and toss the cotton body in and wait to hear a reaction
I take the pants and hoodie of hoodie dude ...stuff them with cotton to resemble a human. I go open the door and toss the cotton body in and wait to hear a reaction

As you're nearing the door you hear some real deep vibrations coming from the direction leading to the next room which you havent been yet. They feel really rhytmic, almost like a bass line. You throw the cotton body in the hallway... and wait... nothing happens. Seems like there is another door at the end of this hall.

Olly's like "Hey, where are you going?"
