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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Gaetz Urges Trump To Go Wild With Pardons, Including A Self-Pardon, To Own The Libs

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), one of President Donald Trump’s top allies in Congress, on Tuesday night encouraged Trump to pardon himself and a litany of other people before his presidency ends in January.

During an interview with Fox News, Gaetz applauded reports of Trump’s plan to pardon former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

“President Trump should pardon Michael Flynn. He should pardon the Thanksgiving turkey. He should pardon everyone, from himself to his administration officials to Joe Exotic if he has to,” the GOP congressman said, referring to the star of the Netflix series “Tiger King” who was convicted for animal abuse and murder for hire.

“Because you see from the radical left a bloodlust that will only be quenched if they come after the people who’ve worked so hard to animate the Trump administration with the policies and the vigor and the effectiveness that delivered for the American people,” he continued. “So I think that the President ought to wield that pardon power effectively and robustly.”

Trump’s errand boy sounding like brown-noser that he is...
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