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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Progressive policies are really popular the issue is marketing. The right currently know how to frame their policies so much better.

example defund the police over here will turn every voter away but when the conservatives called it austerity it was accepted it

A director of Tax Justice UK was talking about progressives attacking billionaires and how it just doesn't work as a policy they done a number of focus groups around the UK and found they found anti billionaire/wealth language went down really badly because the strong belief we live in a meritocracy. (We know that's not true) also currently there's no census on what level of wealth is determined as rich.

Here's another report on wealth census

I personally think the best examples progressives in the United States and UK can us is the European elections and how the younger generation made it about climate change and forced a green new deal

they need to talk about Civil Asset Forfeiture

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