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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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This should be blasted out by the Dems left and right.

They are horrible at branding and getting out a message.

to who tho?

there's hundreds of millions (maybe billions) of people around the world who accept Biden won

there's 70mil who will not accept it, they'll say it's a glitch or dead people voting lol

I bet trump never addresses the nation at another official press conference ever again.

He will essentially run the country via twitter. He will only hold maga rallies and will go to mara lago for Christmas. then never return to DC.
I actually deleted it but .....

never forget this ignant ass shit got his ass arrested

It begins...

There are still more than a half-dozen Hill Democrats being floated as Biden appointees or advisers, including Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware and Reps. Karen Bass of California and Cedric Richmond of Louisiana. But plenty more Democrats — many in seats the party can’t afford to lose — are effectively off the short list, with one lawmaker making a play for the Cabinet describing their current Hill tenure as a “disqualifying factor.”

"The Biden administration has to be a lot more sensitive of where you come from if you’re looking at members of Congress,” Rep. Gerry Connolly of Virginia said in an interview. “We cannot afford to put any seats in jeopardy.”

In the Senate, Democrats privately acknowledge that liberals Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) no longer stand a chance of confirmation as long as Mitch McConnell remains majority leader. And even if Democrats flip a pair of Senate seats in Georgia early next year to take a 50-50 majority, opposition from centrist Democrats could stifle liberal appointees anyway.

Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Not to mention, while much of the Cabinet is typically filled out by December, Biden signaled Tuesday he is moving fast — saying he will name a “couple” of Cabinet nominees before Thanksgiving even as President Donald Trump refuses to concede.

And in the House, Democrats say they’re unwilling to risk a competitive special election next year that could further diminish its thin majority, putting an end to speculation around swing-district Democrats such as Rep. Katie Porter in Orange County, who has been revered by the left.

Democrats also noted that Biden will want his strongest congressional allies to remain on Capitol Hill, given the slimmer margins in the House and a potential Republican Senate.

“There’s so much talent outside the Senate,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.). “This is going to be a really, really challenging two years because President Biden is going to need strong leadership in the Congress. … And I think he’ll prefer to have people he trusts be here.”

Democrats across Capitol Hill had been gleefully anticipating the reshuffling that would have resulted from a resounding sweep of all three branches on Nov. 3 — a game of musical chairs that would reward long-time Democrats with Cabinet posts and create a slew of openings in both chambers.

Biden is going to have to fill his cabinet with bankers and donors because they can’t afford to risk the house. :foh3:
Could look at Abrams, Beto, Jaime Harrison, and Doug Jones for starters
I think they’re pushing electors to override the will of the people and choose Trump. They’re just conditioning people to see it as ok because it’s technically constitutional.

The rioting in the street will be epic, but Trump is already prepared for that too. He put people in place at the Pentagon that will put troops in the street to quell the uprisings.

And that folks will be the death of the American experiment.
I think they’re pushing electors to override the will of the people and choose Trump. They’re just conditioning people to see it as ok because it’s technically constitutional.

The rioting in the street will be epic, but Trump is already prepared for that too. He put people in place at the Pentagon that will put troops in the street to quell the uprisings.

And that folks will be the death of the American experiment.
Its a hot take but i dont think it holds up
Its a hot take but i dont think it holds up
I don’t necessarily think it will come to fruition, but I definitely think it’s on the table. That’s why all of these Republicans keep saying “wait until the electors meet”. That’s intentional messaging. And that’s why they have Fox News and other Republicans not accepting the results yet.
I think they’re pushing electors to override the will of the people and choose Trump. They’re just conditioning people to see it as ok because it’s technically constitutional.

The rioting in the street will be epic, but Trump is already prepared for that too. He put people in place at the Pentagon that will put troops in the street to quell the uprisings.

And that folks will be the death of the American experiment.

Duh lol. That is the plan. That's his last card left to play.

I dont put anything past white ppl. Then if that happens its a wrap. There will be troops in the streets.

tbh America had a good run. Nothing lasts forever (especially when half of the voting population is dumb as rocks and one party completely bends to their will to stay in power at the detriment of the greater good).

America as a fully functioning democracy really couldn't continue as divided, anti science, selfish, greedy, anti fact nation as it currently is. It took a physcopath with anti democratic tendencies to exploit the worst in the voting public to have America within sum 5 years teetering on a dictatorship.

The future of American democracy lays at the feet of the electors in December
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