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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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The reason why I asked is cause we literally saying the same shit but you dont like it when sentences begin with democrats could have done things better, so I just wanted you to be the one to say the same shit a ton of people here been saying too but you arguing with

I don't have a problem when sentences begin with Democrats could've done better. That's actually another example of bad messaging. Instead of saying Democrats should've done better the real messaging should be why Democrats have to take the paths they take with their messaging. What makes these things unachievable? What obstacles are preventing this messaging from prevailing?

Focus on that and your messaging will change and more people will embrace your ideology.

One of the most critical keys to conquering anything in a society is messaging. Democrats have horrible messaging to the point where we turn on ourselves when it fails...........
I'm 2 years outta college with over 100k in debt while growing up during 2 economic collapses and I'm tired of constantly seeing politicians, especially Democrats run third way "unity" campaigns against White Supremacist Republicans who deny climate change and hate poor people. Especially during a pandemic that's gotten a quarter million killed and millions more unemployed and uninsured.


What's the path to changing that? I'll give you a clue. There's no easy fix.
I don't have a problem when sentences begin with Democrats could've done better. That's actually another example of bad messaging. Instead of saying Democrats should've done better the real messaging should be why Democrats have to take the paths they take with their messaging. What makes these things unachievable? What obstacles are preventing this messaging from prevailing?

Focus on that and your messaging will change and more people will embrace your ideology.

One of the most critical keys to conquering anything in a society is messaging. Democrats have horrible messaging to the point where we turn on ourselves when it fails...........

If the leadership has been failing with messaging election after election.. they shouldnt be in leadership positions anymore.. yet somehow they are allowed to fuck up time and time again
If the leadership has been failing with messaging election after election.. they shouldnt be in leadership positions anymore

No shit

And they won't be in leadership positions much longer anyway

But why destroy your own system to get the messaging that you want? There's a path for Democrats to switch that messaging coming from the old guard without completely destroying the party but too many "progressive" feel entitled thinking that all of this shit can be done with the snap of a finger.

Both parties Democrat and Republican have decades of ideology that's rooted into our ideals, daily lives, goals, agendas. It's not going to be undone in a single election, or by a single POTUS, or by a single bill, or by a single agenda.

It takes time and for all of the people who keep saying they're tired of Democrats saying that they're sick of them saying this shit takes time well no shit Sherlock. That's the point.

Look at where we are right now. This country is as progressive as it's ever been right now today. Just because we aren't in the Eutopia that a lot of people want doesn't mean that it's all for shit. Keep fucking fighting but do not get of course because you think it's taking too long.

Niggas need to stop acting like small progress isn't progress. Stop dismissing all of the things we've accomplished just because we aren't where we want to be.
No shit

And they won't be in leadership positions much longer anyway

But why destroy your own system to get the messaging that you want? There's a path for Democrats to switch that messaging coming from the old guard without completely destroying the party but too many "progressive" feel entitled thinking that all of this shit can be done with the snap of a finger.

Both parties Democrat and Republican have decades of ideology that's rooted into our ideals, daily lives, goals, agendas. It's not going to be undone in a single election, or by a single POTUS, or by a single bill, or by a single agenda.

It takes time and for all of the people who keep saying they're tired of Democrats saying that they're sick of them saying this shit takes time well no shit Sherlock. That's the point.

Look at where we are right now. This country is as progressive as it's ever been right now today. Just because we aren't in the Eutopia that a lot of people want doesn't mean that it's all for shit. Keep fucking fighting but do not get of course because you think it's taking too long.

Niggas need to stop acting like small progress isn't progress. Stop dismissing all of the things we've accomplished just because we aren't where we want to be.

I'm assuming most of this isnt directed at me... lol
What i dont understand is, who tf are these ppl trying to convince. The election is over.

Like whats the point....

Take all these arguments to court, tell it to the judge. The ppls opinion dont matter no mo, all the votes have been cast.

I dont get it.

It's political messaging to keep their base in tact. It's gong to reach the people it needs to reach. They know their audience.
What i dont understand is, who tf are these ppl trying to convince. The election is over.

Like whats the point....

Take all these arguments to court, tell it to the judge. The ppls opinion dont matter no mo, all the votes have been cast.

I dont get it.

Its a setup for 2024. Its a never ending game.

This way, the people hes talking to stay angry and they bring them out again in historic numbers for one of the Trump sons
Are they trying to negotiate a concession from Trump before they call it? To try and minimize violence?
Are they trying to negotiate a concession from Trump before they call it? To try and minimize violence?

They're just waiting until the math is undeniable. Has nothing to do with Trump. Until the votes are actually counted and released you can't deny the math which means you can't call it yet.
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