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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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I was sitting here thinking that man, Biden is showing all signs of beating Trump... but somehow I feel that Trump can still pull it off... then comes that Michigan crap. That’s big news. That can shift everything... esp if those same machines are being used in other states where Biden is leading... so I wonder how long this all will actually take... days? weeks?
The Michigan shit sounds sketchy. I’d feel better about it if she wasn’t surrounded with Trumpsters and didn’t reek of partisan bullshit.
Fixed computer glitch turns losing Republican into a winner in Oakland County

A computer error led election officials in Oakland County to hand an upset victory Wednesday to a Democrat, only to switch the win back to an incumbent Republican a day later.

In Oakland County’s 15th county commission District -- representing Rochester and Rochester Hills -- the initial count gave a 104-vote margin to the Democrat, Melanie Hartman, amounting to a razor-thin majority of 50.08%.

That stunned the incumbent, Adam Kochenderfer, giving him a sure sense that he’d lost in a district long deemed a Republican stronghold.

“I thought that was that,” Kochenderfer said. “Those were the results, and I said I would not seek a recount.”

But what a difference a day makes – in weather, love, and the 15th District election for Oakland County commissioner. On Thursday, Kochenderfer was stunned again, this time by a call from Oakland County’s director of elections, flipping the outcome to him.

More:GOP's Sheriff Bouchard wins 6th term as Democrats dominate other Oakland County races

“Apparently, there was a technical glitch in Rochester Hills. And so, I actually ended up winning by a little over 1,100 votes,” said a chuckling Kochenderfer. The margin was 1,127 votes, to be exact. That gave him a 51.67% share of the total (with 48.23% going to his opponent, Hartman).

The fresh result buoyed the incumbent’s spirits but also had him worried about how to prevent future election errors, he said.

“I’m very grateful to the officials who caught the error, but we need to ensure that we catch these issues, or prevent them entirely,” Kochenderfer said.

"People are acting like fixing our elections is a partisan thing when it shouldn't be partisan," he said, adding "We do have a very, very good clerk in Rochester Hills."

That clerk is Tina Barton, a Republican who lost in her race for Oakland County clerk while handling the local election in Rochester Hills. Barton could not be reached for comment Thursday night. But Oakland County Director of Elections Joe Rozell said the error stemmed from a computer issue at the Rochester Hills city clerk’s office.

“A computer issue in Rochester Hills caused them to send us results for seven precincts as both precinct votes and absentee votes. They should only have been sent to us as absentee votes,” Rozell said in a text message.

Source: https://www.freep.com/story/news/lo...county-election-2020-race-results/6184186002/

"LANSING — Antrim County has posted updated and revised numbers for the presidential and U.S. senate races after discovering major errors in the numbers the county initially sent to the Secretary of State's Office.

The revised numbers — arrived at after manually entering the results from printed tabulated tapes for all 16 precincts — show the northern Michigan county is still red, just not as dark a shade as it was in 2016.

The county is reporting Republican President Donald Trump beat Democrat Joe Biden by about 2,500 votes, with Trump receiving 56% of the just over 17,000 votes cast for president and Biden receiving 42%.

Political observers had expressed shock early Wednesday when the county transferred numbers to the state showing Biden beating Trump by about 3,000 votes. Antrim is a Republican stronghold where local GOP officials have mostly run unopposed in recent elections."
How Delaware voted:


Makes sense Sussex County would go red. It's hee-haw as shit down there. That's why they call it "Slower Lower." Shout out to the hometown Wilmington in New Castle County and those Dover HORNETS in Kent County holding it down for the 1st first state.
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