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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Why aren't you into politics? Your passion is obviously there and you seem knowledgeable on specific topics most aren't privy to.

I'm 32 years old. When I got out of the Marine Corps in 2016 I strongly considered running for a City Council seat in Cleveland. My wife got pregnant a month after I got out and she was just staring to get back into working from not working while I was in USMC so I didn't run. Since I've been out I've worked at our city's school district, a top 5 hospital in the world, and now I work for the city.

I do have aspirations of holding a seat in my local government. IF I win a local seat like City Council I would like to hold it for 4 years and then make a run for mayor of my city or a State Representative in Ohio.

If, and this is a big if but if I ever win a mayoral election or become a State Representative I will run for President someday. I know that sounds crazy and wild aspirational but I'm only 32 years old right now. In 20 years I'll be 52. That's not a bad age for a President. I think it's definitely a realistic possibility if I ever hold one of those lower level seats.
even if biden ekes it out, how could your takeaway from this be anything other than "the democratic party is useless" ??? policies supported by the left are winning by double-digit margins in MULTIPLE STATES while centrist dems lost considerable ground

again, you dont put up centrist to counter a right wing populist.

after 200k+ ppl dead and a stalled stimulus package you would expect ppl to hold dems feet to the fire, they deadass r replaying their losing strategy of 2016 : fielding a compromised and unispiring centrist.

its apparent yall didnt learn shit then, and havent learned shit now
I'm 32 years old. When I got out of the Marine Corps in 2016 I strongly considered running for a City Council seat in Cleveland. My wife got pregnant a month after I got out and she was just staring to get back into working from not working while I was in USMC so I didn't run. Since I've been out I've worked at our city's school district, a top 5 hospital in the world, and now I work for the city.

I do have aspirations of holding a seat in my local government. IF I win a local seat like City Council I would like to hold it for 4 years and then make a run for mayor of my city or a State Representative in Ohio.

If, and this is a big if but if I ever win a mayoral election or become a State Representative I will run for President someday. I know that sounds crazy and wild aspirational but I'm only 32 years old right now. In 20 years I'll be 52. That's not a bad age for a President. I think it's definitely a realistic possibility if I ever hold one of those lower level seats.
This is what I’m talking about......
If a nominee like Biden more openly backed those proposals instead of meaningless platitude word soups like "The Battle for the Soul of this Nation" he would've gotten Obama numbers in the EC against a President who never even sniffed a 50% approval rating and 250k dead on his watch.

:niggaa:......WTF you think Trump was offering. Yet they still voted for him.

The mental gymnastics you've been doing to shit on Biden for it not being a blowout is ridiculous.
I'm 32 years old. When I got out of the Marine Corps in 2016 I strongly considered running for a City Council seat in Cleveland. My wife got pregnant a month after I got out and she was just staring to get back into working from not working while I was in USMC so I didn't run. Since I've been out I've worked at our city's school district, a top 5 hospital in the world, and now I work for the city.

I do have aspirations of holding a seat in my local government. IF I win a local seat like City Council I would like to hold it for 4 years and then make a run for mayor of my city or a State Representative in Ohio.

If, and this is a big if but if I ever win a mayoral election or become a State Representative I will run for President someday. I know that sounds crazy and wild aspirational but I'm only 32 years old right now. In 20 years I'll be 52. That's not a bad age for a President. I think it's definitely a realistic possibility if I ever hold one of those lower level seats.
I don’t know what kind of history you have on here, but I’d have it erased before you start running, lol.

I’ve thought of running for an office and the first thing I think is “what if they find my posts on the IC or ABW?...”. I’ve never said anything here I wouldn’t back up in public, but context is key.
Nevada officials just said all of their provisional ballots won't be finalized till Nov. 12th.

They're milking this shit, and it may not even matter.

They're not milking anything. It takes a long time to count votes. Especially mail in. Most states take a week to count all of their votes every election. Add to the fact that we are still in a pandemic and it's completely reasonable to expect states who usually take 5-6 days to count votes have to expand that timeline when they receive record numbers of mail in votes.
point is, the conditions youre stating that are keeping biden from blowing this out have always existed

therefore, critiques of the DNC are warranted.

Again, you're making your point against a stance that no-one here made. We all agree alot of this shit already existed.

point is.... the shit got WORSE by a large margin. Don't get me wrong there are warranted DNC criticisms to make. I was hoping some of Bidens stances would shift a bit further left once he got the nomination... they didnt shift far enough for me. But let's not act like the deck wasnt stacked against him and the deck wouldnt have been stacked against whoever the dem nominee was.

republicans out here blatantly cheating and yall on the sidelines clowning like... look at this nigga barely winning... lol he shoulda had this in the bag... lol

The rate of criticism from yall is skewed in a large amount towards dems... i'm not seeing much criticism of Republicans from yall. Let yall tell it you hate them both equally tho.
Racism did play a factor but folks need to add in the whole picture to these results. Trump had the best numbers for nonwhite support for a Republican since Nixon.

Biden should've targeted against Trump's phony populism with showing more support for stuff like a $15 minimum wage and major student loan forgiveness in his policy plans. Biden lost Florida while at the same time it overwhelmingly passed a 15$ minimum wage increase. Ossoff in Georgia ran on drug decriminalization and medicaid expansion and almost beat the republican. Katie Porter straight up flipped a republican seat and was reelected overwhelmingly as a progressive going in on predatory banks at hearings.

If a nominee like Biden more openly backed those proposals instead of meaningless platitude word soups like "The Battle for the Soul of this Nation" he would've gotten Obama numbers in the EC against a President who never even sniffed a 50% approval rating and 250k dead on his watch.
The exit poll being passed around is 16k people sample size....
even if biden ekes it out, how could your takeaway from this be anything other than "the democratic party is useless" ??? policies supported by the left are winning by double-digit margins in MULTIPLE STATES while centrist dems lost considerable ground

again, you dont put up centrist to counter a right wing populist.

after 200k+ ppl dead and a stalled stimulus package you would expect ppl to hold dems feet to the fire, they deadass r replaying their losing strategy of 2016 : fielding a compromised and unispiring centrist.

its apparent yall didnt learn shit then, and havent learned shit now
I think it’s the other way around. The Democratic Party is being labeled as if they’re all behind an AOC/Sanders platform. That’s why so many Cubans went for Trump in FL. I’d even say that’s why centrists lost. If you’re not a staunch democrat you think they’re pushing for socialism, true or not. So labeling themselves Democratic socialists have driven a lot of people away from the Democratic Party in general. That’s why Biden is winning but the people running for senate are losing.
trump told yall he was going to steal the election months ago. i guess yall were too busy punching down at nonvoters to notice

You're closeted Trump support is showing madam.

You think just because Trump says something that's not true or not gonna happen that we should panic and believe.

You want chaos and it's obvious to everyone what the outcome of this election is gonna be but you'll keep getting them takes off.

I hope the next 4 years aren't hard on you considering how it's probably gonna eat your ass up on the inside about who the most powerful Black woman in America is now

Again, you're making your point against a stance that no-one here made. We all agree alot of this shit already existed.

point is.... the shit got WORSE by a large margin. Don't get me wrong there are warranted DNC criticisms to make. I was hoping some of Bidens stances would shift a bit further left once he got the nomination... they didnt shift far enough for me. But let's not act like the deck wasnt stack and the deck wouldnt have been stacked even if Biden DIDNT get the nomination.

republicans out here blatantly cheating and yall on the sidelines clowning like... look at this nigga barely winning... lol he shoulda had this in the bag... lol

The rate of criticism from yall is skewed in a large amount towards dems... i'm not seeing much criticism of Republicans from yall. Let yall tell it you hate them both equally tho.

i critique the DNC more because they are supposedly the party of resistance and are nothing more than lame ducks

i already know how the repub party functions, im very familiar with that “enemy” but i find greater faults with a party that claims to be for the people while being virtually reactionary and incompetent.

and oh! continually backing the state in locking up and killing my ppl as well
even if biden ekes it out, how could your takeaway from this be anything other than "the democratic party is useless" ??? policies supported by the left are winning by double-digit margins in MULTIPLE STATES while centrist dems lost considerable ground

again, you dont put up centrist to counter a right wing populist.

after 200k+ ppl dead and a stalled stimulus package you would expect ppl to hold dems feet to the fire, they deadass r replaying their losing strategy of 2016 : fielding a compromised and unispiring centrist.

its apparent yall didnt learn shit then, and havent learned shit now

You can eke out an election win where you get more votes then any other candidate in history. I'm sorry but there's just no way you can put a negative spin on that.

Joe Biden is about to win this election with a record breaking amount of votes. So you're argument is he should've not only set a record (which you yourself denied that he could) but he should've shattered all expectations?
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