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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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Trump doesn't get this kind of love from his hometown. This is the type of shit he's jealous about. Biden legit gets love from real down to earth people. Trump only gets love from his cult. The streets don't really love him like that and that shit makes his soul burn. You just know it does.

Been to Scranton a few times, shit kinda a mixed hood in many areas. But that's a lot of PA
So to all you "biden got us next don't worry" folk, lemme ask you a question

Your house is on fire and your loved ones are trapped inside. You call for the fire department only to be told

"We'll be there to put that fire out asap, but first, we have to rescue a cat from a tree along the way. Relax, we're just taking care of the easy stuff first, then we'll get to you."

American is a burning house and black ppl have been trapped inside in need of assistance only to be told to sit tight while all these damn cats get rescued first

You good with that or nah?

The mere fact that yall don't take issue with a group of ppl who are here illegally being placed above your own ppl speaks volumes. Or maybe yall ain't black because from this talk I really can't see it. A lotta yall lying or at best identify with something elese before your blackness or can afford to play the fence due to your mixed heritage.

We the only group of ppl with such a high rate of broken bucks ready to laydown over puddles for everyone else to walk over or move to the black of the line at the drop of a hat.

It's despicable.

Your whole analogy is just wrong. Like I said, ya'll are making this into something way bigger than it is. If you want an accurate analoyg, think of something like this.

You got a 1000 homeless people and a contractor has agreed to make homes for them. That contractor also agreed to make a dog house somewhere else. The homes for the thousand homeless people will take 200 workers 4 years to do. The doghouse will take 1 worker half a day to do. So the contractor has agreed to send one worker to do the dog house on the first day while the other 199 workers get to work on the houses for the homeless.

Yes, the home for the dog will get built first, but that's not because the dog was prioritized over the people. It's because the dog's problem was much easier to solve.
Your whole analogy is just wrong. Like I said, ya'll are making this into something way bigger than it is. If you want an accurate analoyg, think of something like this.

You got a 1000 homeless people and a contractor has agreed to make homes for them. That contractor also agreed to make a dog house somewhere else. The homes for the thousand homeless people will take 200 workers 4 years to do. The doghouse will take 1 worker half a day to do. So the contractor has agreed to send one worker to do the dog house on the first day while the other 199 workers get to work on the houses for the homeless.

Yes, the home for the dog will get built first, but that's not because the dog was prioritized over the people. It's because the dog's problem was much easier to solve.
Dems been in office with promises before.

Biden been VP for eight years of the last decade.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong is Bidens dreamer plan more specific than "lift every voice" that some critique as "too vague"?

Some Trump critics said "trump is/been in office why won't he do the platinum plan now?"

Cant ppl have that same suspicion/skepticism toward Biden?
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Dems been in office with promises before.

Biden been VP for eight years of the last decade.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong is Bidens dreamer plan more specific than "lift every voice" that some critique as "too vague"?

Some Trump critics said "trump is/been in office why won't he do the platinum plan now?"

Cant ppl have that same suspicion/skepticism toward Biden?

DACA and The Dreamers Act are two different things. The Dreamers Act has been around since 2001. DACA was introduced in 2012. DACA expired in 2018 while Trump was POTUS. He simply let it expire which but the status on 700,000 immigrants up in the air because he's a racist piece of shit that doesn't give a fuck about any people of color.

Basically when Joe Biden is POTUS he is going to make DACA permanent. All he has to do is sign it. Trump already tried to end it this summer and The Supreme Court stopped him.

Barrack Obama created DACA in 2012. All it does is protect kids who were brought here as immigrant children. It gives them access to legally work and contribute to America. Republicans have always agreed with DAVA until racist ass Trump started attacking it for two reasons. One is because Obama made it and anything Obama did Trump seeks to destroy. The second reason is this is something that benefits non white people and well, Trump is a racist ass white supremacist.

Joe Biden doesn't have to lay out a plan for DACA. It's been laid out, established, and enforced since 2012. So the people trying to make it seem like Biden is prioritizing immigrants over black people look silly because he isn't starting anything. He's literally doing the job of The President which is something Trump doesn't know how to do.

Biden making DACA permanent is no different then if he mandated a Federal minimum wage. It's something that Trump could've easily done yet he actively worked to destroy it.
DACA and The Dreamers Act are two different things. The Dreamers Act has been around since 2001. DACA was introduced in 2012. DACA expired in 2018 while Trump was POTUS. He simply let it expire which but the status on 700,000 immigrants up in the air because he's a racist piece of shit that doesn't give a fuck about any people of color.

Basically when Joe Biden is POTUS he is going to make DACA permanent. All he has to do is sign it. Trump already tried to end it this summer and The Supreme Court stopped him.

Barrack Obama created DACA in 2012. All it does is protect kids who were brought here as immigrant children. It gives them access to legally work and contribute to America. Republicans have always agreed with DAVA until racist ass Trump started attacking it for two reasons. One is because Obama made it and anything Obama did Trump seeks to destroy. The second reason is this is something that benefits non white people and well, Trump is a racist ass white supremacist.

Joe Biden doesn't have to lay out a plan for DACA. It's been laid out, established, and enforced since 2012. So the people trying to make it seem like Biden is prioritizing immigrants over black people look silly because he isn't starting anything. He's literally doing the job of The President which is something Trump doesn't know how to do.

Biden making DACA permanent is no different then if he mandated a Federal minimum wage. It's something that Trump could've easily done yet he actively worked to destroy it.
I get it. By your explanation it's maybe one of the easiest things he can pull off.

Don't ppl still have good reason to be skeptical though? Even if they voted for him to get Trump out?
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