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The 2020 Presidential Election Thread: Joe Biden is the 46th President of the United States

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I don't see trump flipping any states he'll probably lose some n Biden get a decisive win.

Curious to see how epic the turnout will be when it's all said and done.

Texas had 1.5 Million new registered voters this year. I just don't think that the majority of people who sat out in 2016 and are voting in 2020 are voting for Trump. Don't you get the sense that if people who didn't vote last election are voting this election that they're voting for Biden? There's nothing about Trump or his campaign that says he's attracting that many new voters. His base is what it is.
while you niggas was studying to take the SATs to get in college in the comfort of your parents houses, I was able to get my first house thanks to legislation passed by Obama. I got a fire interest rate and some tax credits for my house because I was eligible for the program. I didn't have to put a dime down for a down payment.
Same happened for my mom
Then your priorities are all fucked up.

Joe Biden supports Dreamers and their family members becoming legal. Joe Biden said at the last debate he supports amnesty for 11 million undocumented people. The majority will all be from Mexico and Central America. The first term he will need to roll out his plan for black America, would be would be a waste of time. Because when we look up, we would be up against an extra 11 MILLION PLUS “minorities” for those investments.

I have no problem with Dreamers being made legal citizens. I also don’t have a problem with asking people to come in the country legally by way of immigration.

A lot of people dismiss the jobs immigrants get because they don’t pay a “living” wage. Those jobs still pay the bills and still keep families afloat. People still buy homes and vehicles off them jobs. Yet if we point out that BLACK RESIDENTS should be working those jobs you become racists or selfish or you don’t understand what they been through.

Yeah, I have no problem with blacks advocating to be at the top of the pile. Let's just be sensible about it and not resort to using Trumplike talking points to criticize government priorities.

Damn.. I wonder who would want to disenfranchise voters in a majority black city...

Black people think that voting isn't important but you just don't see this shit in middle America country towns.
all these projections of who’s will win/leading... it’s all over the place... it all means nothing until the final say is in...

and this whole rioting, boarding up, preparing for a “war” thing is being pushed hard by the media and the right... it’s as if they’re trying to condition minds into making this happen... never in the history of an election has it ever reached this level of division... something ain’t right
Talk that talk brother!

The funny thing to me is I don't think black people who push these agendas that black people have to be first or else realize where black people stand in America. The reality is that black people are way further along in America than we were in the Civil Rights era but in order for niggas to keep pushing the narrative that it has to be black first or else they have to believe that black people haven't made any progress in America since then and it's just not true.
The reality is that Biden has multiple paths to victory. Trump is actually on the defense so it makes his path to victory that much more difficult.
So to all you "biden got us next don't worry" folk, lemme ask you a question

Your house is on fire and your loved ones are trapped inside. You call for the fire department only to be told

"We'll be there to put that fire out asap, but first, we have to rescue a cat from a tree along the way. Relax, we're just taking care of the easy stuff first, then we'll get to you."

American is a burning house and black ppl have been trapped inside in need of assistance only to be told to sit tight while all these damn cats get rescued first

You good with that or nah?

The mere fact that yall don't take issue with a group of ppl who are here illegally being placed above your own ppl speaks volumes. Or maybe yall ain't black because from this talk I really can't see it. A lotta yall lying or at best identify with something elese before your blackness or can afford to play the fence due to your mixed heritage.

We the only group of ppl with such a high rate of broken bucks ready to laydown over puddles for everyone else to walk over or move to the black of the line at the drop of a hat.

It's despicable.
So to all you "biden got us next don't worry" folk, lemme ask you a question

Your house is on fire and your loved ones are trapped inside. You call for the fire department only to be told

"We'll be there to put that fire out asap, but first, we have to rescue a cat from a tree along the way. Relax, we're just taking care of the easy stuff first, then we'll get to you."

American is a burning house and black ppl have been trapped inside in need of assistance only to be told to sit tight while all these damn cats get rescued first

You good with that or nah?

The mere fact that yall don't take issue with a group of ppl who are here illegally being placed above your own ppl speaks volumes. Or maybe yall ain't black because from this talk I really can't see it. A lotta yall lying or at best identify with something elese before your blackness or can afford to play the fence due to your mixed heritage.

We the only group of ppl with such a high rate of broken bucks ready to laydown over puddles for everyone else to walk over or move to the black of the line at the drop of a hat.

It's despicable.

Bad analogy

I been alive 30 years in a burning house? How?

I actually don't agree with what Kamala is saying there. Our goal shouldn't be to give some people more than others. Our goal should be to get people on equal footing so that everyone truly does have an equal shot at being successful. We also aren't looking to make sure everyone winds up at the same spot. We want people to have what's necessary for them to be their best. At the end of the day, some people will go farther than others. That's ok. The way she framed it made it sound like she was on some communist shit.
So to all you "biden got us next don't worry" folk, lemme ask you a question

Your house is on fire and your loved ones are trapped inside. You call for the fire department only to be told

"We'll be there to put that fire out asap, but first, we have to rescue a cat from a tree along the way. Relax, we're just taking care of the easy stuff first, then we'll get to you."

American is a burning house and black ppl have been trapped inside in need of assistance only to be told to sit tight while all these damn cats get rescued first

You good with that or nah?

The mere fact that yall don't take issue with a group of ppl who are here illegally being placed above your own ppl speaks volumes. Or maybe yall ain't black because from this talk I really can't see it. A lotta yall lying or at best identify with something elese before your blackness or can afford to play the fence due to your mixed heritage.

We the only group of ppl with such a high rate of broken bucks ready to laydown over puddles for everyone else to walk over or move to the black of the line at the drop of a hat.

It's despicable.

First of all in your scenario Trump and his republicans already shutdown the Fire department in your area so the next closest Fire department is in the next town over so if there is a fire at your house there's no way that the Fire department will even get to your house on time.

Let's stop making these analogies while leaving out the biggest perps who are in fact Trump and Republicans. Removing that Fire Department is exactly what they do with voting by redrawing districts, removing polling places, and making voting harder but I bet you don't say jack shit when Republicans do that shit do you?

And finally, signing the Dreamers Act does not put Dreamers above Black people. If you knew what the fuck you were talking about then you would know that This Act was already in place and Trump stripped it away. The way to bring it back is as simple as Biden signing the fucking paper so please stop acting like they're about to draw up some grand old strategy for Dreamers when the reality is the policy is already in place and Trump simply stripped it away just like he did with a bunch of Obama era stuff.
Because yall niggas keep voting dem or die

Slow burn

No disrespect but you sound very uneducated on this topic. You obviously don't understand who or what Dreamers are for you to think that they are being placed above black people.

This is like living in an apartment and not having to pay utilities. Your new landlord comes in and says you have to pay utilities now. Now you new. new landlord comes in and says that you don't have to pay utilities anymore. You're complaining about a policy that's already been in place that was simply stripped away.
First of all in your scenario Trump and his republicans already shutdown the Fire department in your area so the next closest Fire department is in the next town over so if there is a fire at your house there's no way that the Fire department will even get to your house on time.

Let's stop making these analogies while leaving out the biggest perps who are in fact Trump and Republicans. Removing that Fire Department is exactly what they do with voting by redrawing districts, removing polling places, and making voting harder but I bet you don't say jack shit when Republicans do that shit do you?

And finally, signing the Dreamers Act does not put Dreamers above Black people. If you knew what the fuck you were talking about then you would know that This Act was already in place and Trump stripped it away. The way to bring it back is as simple as Biden signing the fucking paper so please stop acting like they're about to draw up some grand old strategy for Dreamers when the reality is the policy is already in place and Trump simply stripped it away just like he did with a bunch of Obama era stuff.

The lengths yall go to to justify the democrats disrespect is reminiscent of a battered woman who won't leave her abusive ass piece of shit husband and makes all the excuses in the world for why.

Ain't no way you can make accepting action for some fuckin illegal immigrants above legislation to help stop black ppl form being killed in the streets logical to anyone with common sense.
No disrespect but you sound very uneducated on this topic. You obviously don't understand who or what Dreamers are for you to think that they are being placed above black people.

This is like living in an apartment and not having to pay utilities. Your new landlord comes in and says you have to pay utilities now. Now you new. new landlord comes in and says that you don't have to pay utilities anymore. You're complaining about a policy that's already been in place that was simply stripped away.

Nigga I ain't about to go back and forth with you yet again.

You clearly like to think you're so smart in your delusional ass mind but don't realize you make no sense whatsoever. I know exactly who dreamers are. They're illegals as well as those waiting in line for their approvals. That's fine except for the fact that my ppl have more pressing issues right now.

Those same ppl yall caping for bring their asses over here, then turn around and shit on black ppl time and time again.
The lengths yall go to to justify the democrats disrespect is reminiscent of a battered woman who won't leave her abusive ass piece of shit husband and makes all the excuses in the world for why.

Ain't no way you can make accepting action for some fuckin illegal immigrants above legislation to help stop black ppl form being killed in the streets logical to anyone with common sense.

You still don't understand. The Dreamers Act already exist. It's not any new legislation that needs to be voted on and passed. It's already enacted law. There is no legislation brought forward to help stop black people from being killed in the streets because for one that's a broad ass statement. That's not how laws and legislation works. What law are you citing that stops black people from being killed in the streets? What is the name of it?
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