Besides, Donald Trump is reportedly known to be extremely violent with any woman who curve on him or tries getting away from him after a lasting relationship.
His ex-wife Ivanna Trump reports that he beated and raped her after she taunted him about the hair implant therapy he did that day while their pre-divorcial period. And he even get accused of first-degree homicide against a former secretary and mistress he left pregnant back in 2000. He even go afar as raping multiple times his owj daughter Ivanka (the one he keep saying if she was not her daughter he will date her and had an extramarital affair with a pornstar looking like her) .
He used his influence to make bail out any of those lawsuits and so on. He wasn't even the President of the United States yet.
Melania is obviously tired of his ass. She never wanted him from becoming president and word of God says he did not either prior winning in 2016 (who the hell brags about grabbing women by the vagina just a couple of days before the election day?) because of how little he miscalculated the Republican poll's dumbness. This bitch keep going because he's still atop of the governmental hierarchy.
As soon he'd lost and that the oil corporations pull a target on his head, she gotta vanish someplace in the East Block or the Swiss rural area with no ring onto her finger, a new face and forty extra pounds.